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Relationship fails

May 28, 15 at 9:48am
Have you ever had a time where you were trying to form a romantic relationship with somebody else and said or did the wrong thing that messed everything up? For example, I was feeling a bit chipper with a girl over texting and made a perverted joke that went just a tad bit too far and made the whole situation so awkward.
Yeah that happens. I do that all the time so I just started owning it. Like dont let it get weird. Or do... Weird is the new thing now
All my relationships are fail, QQ. LOL Best advice for jokes, play the crowd, figure out what they they think is funny and wreck them. Once your past the casual stage, than make the jokes you think are the funniest.
Jun 03, 15 at 8:05pm
Can a relationship really be a failure? I will leave that up to you to answer,
Been there done that. Told a very raw lawyer joke not knowing her parents were both lawyers, killed the evening.
I am living one right now...
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Jun 05, 15 at 1:24am
Actually I have been in that exact same situation. They were best friends and both independently sending me perverted things over the net. All hell broke loose once they found out they were pursuing the same guy.
Jun 06, 15 at 10:54am
Sorry to go off topic but now when I read ^^Yu's posts I picture him bald and in orange robes sitting cross legged. Back to topic, yes I have been there before. Sometimes when I'm excited or giddy I go overboard. Rebounding from these situations depends on the severity. If it's just a joke I'm sure it will blow over soon. However, on the receiving end, when people flirt I hope they keep it as light hearted as possible while I or we are trying to figure out if we like each other. Sometimes I've wished for it to not go there, "please don't make this awkward, please don't make this awkward..." Because sometimes you CANT recover from it. No matter if you want to try to be friends with the person, if feelings are hurt its best to leave them alone so they can move on.
^ what Veruca said, especially at the end lol. I was like that with one of my guy friends, it was made worse by the fact that my other friends were telling him stuff instead of hearing it from me. Sometimes I wish I just decided to move on, but I didn't. We're okay now, and I still care for him as a friend, but it's so awkward for me. And yeah, I've definitely been there before too. Same with Veruca, getting all excited ahaha.
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