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Is older anime better than todays anime?

Both are great. I enjoy the anime of my youth just as much as the one today.
old anime isn't kawaii enough, and it's old.
Both old and new anime is great, but I find it hard to gain interest in both as well. Depending on the story, the art, the screenwriting, and the voice acting.
Older anime are timeless classics while today's anime are trying to make a name for themselves.I wouldn't pick one over the other though tbh.They can be enjoyed whether you grew up with the older ones or not as well at the same time older Otaku might fancy some of the newer stuff
Tis the same
There's a great story line yo anime now a days as well like tokyo ghouls, seraph of the end, nisekoi 2 and others that I don't know of x) lol
It's everyone's taste i guess. Old and new can bring inspiration.
I'll take some from side A and some from side B. There are plenty of older shows and movies I'll watch now and then, preferably subbed if possible. Back in the 80's the few anime imported and dubbed either stayed close to the original writing with decent voice actors, as in the original US release of Nausicaa (Warriors of The Wind), or it was utter crap. Anime in the 90's started getting better with a wider selection, rewrites were improving but the voice actors in many cases were abysmal, and of those that stuck around since then not many have improved. From the mid 90's on the flood gates were starting to open until they were torn down in the mid 2000's with some good, some bad and a lot of forgettable in between. Technology has played a huge role in quantity and quality since then, there are plenty of shows now with beautiful animation, design and graphics, and some that look like they were done by aged cell painters that were left behind when digital took over. Story and character development still goes either direction like it did decades ago. What's hilarious to me are the references to older anime and manga in newer productions that a lot of fans that only watch newer anime don't understand. If you like newer anime, great, have fun with that. Go for some older stuff as well? that's fine too. "Newer" does not always equate to "better" nor does "older" equate to "worse", after all there is art that has survived generations that are considered standards which other, more modern art is judged by.
most anime today is focused on money and demographic more than ANYTHING ; however there are rare gems, honestly, i think today's anime is far better, there are diamonds hidden in the rough from the past, but overall, i think for the most part it keeps getting better if you base anime on ONLY storyline, then manga trumps probably every single time; but anime has more than one feature; most notably animation-drawing vocal talent-voice actors/tresses plot-storyline all must be considered, and truth be told; the first two are vastly better in every way than their older counterparts
Older anime (80s and 90s) have a certain atmosphere and mood that just leaves you with a sense of feeling good. Newer anime has better pixel quality and probaby bigger budgets.
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