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nick otaku @nick_mesa
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nick otaku @nick_mesa
hey can we talk if so plz message me asap i wanted to kno what i did wrong for u to disfreind me and why did u send me all that stuff in text

moontaz96 @moontaz96
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moontaz96 @moontaz96
hi i was in a forum you were in and i love your comment XD its great haha its inspirational id love to chat with you sometime XD

kiki93 @kiki93
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kiki93 @kiki93
Hey Nintendo Werewolf! I am doing pretty good? How about yourself?
Kiki's Delivery Service is one of my favorites as well...Howl is also up there close to number one. :D
Colorado? :3

nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
commented on
Colorado? :3
nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
I dont know where vail is. But boulder is boulder Lol
Posting your poems.

nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
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Posting your poems.
nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
I think the poem was a good reading, it just depends on who you choose to be your audience I run into the same problem myself with my writing