the meaning of life

ロイ @wallace614
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the meaning of life
ロイ @wallace614
It's meaningless if you don't enjoy life and I believe that just before you die you'll find out what it was

jet73l @jet73l
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the meaning of life
jet73l @jet73l
I'm (possibly too) pragmatic. Life has no meaning. Meaning arises where life exists. Sapience interprets that meaning. This is pushing the subject, but I kind of think that if life had a meaning, we wouldn't be asking what it was. These are all just my opinions, though. It's quite possible that some sort of meta-life designed life to enscribe a specific meaning. It's worth pondering, maybe even debating, but not worth arguing.
Kyetge!: Yes. The meaning of life is now to provide other life with entertainment. And lightsabers XD

Nat @the_noctor
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the meaning of life
Nat @the_noctor
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CAC @cac
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the meaning of life
CAC @cac
I still don't know and probably never will.
Or maybe it's for cuddles with my cat >_>

Lamby @momoichi
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the meaning of life
Lamby @momoichi
i see a lot of fans of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy in this thread

Nat @the_noctor
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the meaning of life
Nat @the_noctor
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CAC @cac
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the meaning of life
CAC @cac
I'd love a girl to cuddle though, but yes.

Juno016 @juno016
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the meaning of life
Juno016 @juno016
Normally, I'd use my own words to describe how I feel about an existential topic like this, but I honestly feel like this video does a great job of explaining all my complex feelings in a short, simple 6 minutes:
The only thing I'd like to add is that it's fascinating to be one of so many people on Earth--living, breathing, feeling. We're all valuable, so while we get to choose what we want to do in life, it is quite crucial that we allow others the same freedom and respect we allow ourselves. People aren't always born equal, but there is value in seeking equality, despite the unfair nature of the universe.

. @vezax
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the meaning of life
. @vezax
i believe Humans are yet to discover the meaning of life...

Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
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the meaning of life
Foolish_Otaku @foolish_otaku
Really? I figured it out and wish I didn't. It's wise not to discover the truth.
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