Tips: Where else to look for people online

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Tips: Where else to look for people online
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
So I've only been a Maiotaku member for a week or so, but the level of activity here tends to be pretty low. Now, I definitely don't want to dis-promote Maiotaku, because I have met some pretty cool people here, but I gotta say... there are easier ways to meet someone if you're looking for a relationship (which I can tell a fair amount of guys here do).
Okcupid + Plenty of Fish have extremely high activity and traffic, coupled by descriptive profiles, and a application that allows you to view anyone who's looked at your profile. In addition, it has an easy matchmaking system where you browse people you're interested in and mark the ones you are, and the marked persons are notified if the interest is mutual.
The entire site is free (don't ever pay for a dating site. EVER.), and unlike Maiotaku, your introductions and comments aren't public (I personally believe it's better that way).
After you've created your profile, list manga and anime as your interests. There are search options within said sites that match you according to interests, and you can start introducing yourself to girls and guys that catch your fancy from there. (There is also a profile search engine for interests)
Personal reason for posting this: In 1 week, there's only a couple people I've been regularly communicating with here and have gotten to know well through Maiotaku. Compared to Plenty of Fish, I had 4 love interests within 24 hours of creating a profile, and in case none of work out in the future, there is a fast matchmaking system that practically spoon-feeds people with matching interests to you.
I love this site, and am not convincing you to veer away from it, nor am I advertising for any of the [free] sites I listed. Rather, I am trying to lend a helping hand to people who look like they could use one. Oh, and if you need help writing a profile or whatever, post here. I can write some tips or give you mine as an example.
With sincere intentions,

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
commented on
Tips: Where else to look for people online
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Heya Sincere Sam. To be honest, the main reason I'm here is because of the open forum with all the otakus talking at once. We could have an orgy altogether, see watch! *has orgy* BAM that just happened!!! *shudders* I wouldn't really put anyone through that.
Actually, I looked at Okcupid right away after you mentioned it and found a profile I have on there from 2006!! Hahahaha! That just goes to show that I have no idea what I'm doing. ^_^
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is #1. You speak truth when you say never pay for a dating site. Damn straight. #2. We obviously wouldn't be here if we didn't have a reason. I think that the community here and being able to share all of our favorite anime and convention plans is what makes MaiOtaku such a great place! But that's just my opinion.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Tips: Where else to look for people online
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Haha yeah, I agree its great for that. But I posted this in the relationship advice section because I was targetting a certain audience who I believe might appreciate it.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Tips: Where else to look for people online
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
If we have a guy orgy like it looks now all the girls are going to get turn on. Lol

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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Tips: Where else to look for people online
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Since I am kenshin right now . Rising dragon any one? Lmaol. That was too much. My gf has created a monster.

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
commented on
Tips: Where else to look for people online
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Kenshin are you drunk? You're not acting like your normal self.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Tips: Where else to look for people online
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
It's not gay if it's a three-way.

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
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Tips: Where else to look for people online
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
Nice lol

Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
commented on
Tips: Where else to look for people online
Hirako_Shinji @hirako_shinji
I agree with you Sam. Don't get me wrong, I like MaiOtaku...but, I have actually been able to chat and meet with more women on OkCupid since they actually live in my area. Though I do enjoy these engaging forums and the people here too. Just a distance issue is all.
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