Dislike Anime, Worse???

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
Kyetge! @kyetge
I liked Canti. :D
Still don't get the plot. :P

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Well you'll have to watch all 6 episodes again.
It took me 3 years to piece everything together. I actually liked Haruko, the bunny suit and the pink hair gets me every time.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
Kyetge! @kyetge
What the hell?
I thought there were twelve episodes!
And what IS the plot??

Lamby @momoichi
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
Lamby @momoichi
hmm ever finished an anime all the way that i hated but i did have to sit threw Puella Magica but was a good thing cuz after watching it all was a great anime ^^

soulxevans @soulxevans
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
soulxevans @soulxevans
I don't like the new tenchi muyo they show on new toonomi that dubbing is terrible and the plot line has gone to crap. I miss the tenchi (show not character infact he was probably my least favorite character until he dressed in a elephant costume for that joke in tenchi in tokyo) that I loved back when I was a kid also I never really got into many of the older Gundams just not my thing I guess. For the record I love FLCL and Bobobo. I have no idea what ether of them were suppose to be about but boy were they hilarious.

SixSilver @sixsilver
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
SixSilver @sixsilver
Hmm the only worse animes that i have seen are those old dubbed animes. english dubs are killing me specially most of the series that were dubbed within Geneon. Oh gosh. I remember watching Karin in dub. I was in rage mode already for just after one episode. But so far, i never dislike any anime. There are some good though, at least most of them. Its just the english dubs are the true killers.

ロイ @wallace614
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Dislike Anime, Worse???
ロイ @wallace614
Sixsilver thats exactly correct I don't like dub unless I come across sush anime and fall in love with it but I still watch it dub and sub

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
lol i plain out hate english dub anime but every anime hated mentioned on here I like XD I guess I just love anime.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
ロイ @wallace614
haha well I rather have the subb anime because with dub anime I always keep starting at their mouths to see if they keep moving even though the character stop talking so I rather have sub

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
lol I do the same thing
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