Dislike Anime, Worse???

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Dislike Anime, Worse???
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
What is the Worst anime that you actually sat through the whole thing you dislike? Colorful was the worse.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
sat through enough of naruto to qualify, 130+ eps....

Zen94 @zen94
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Zen94 @zen94
Kuragehime, saw most of it thought it might get better but didn't

cj993 @cj993
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
cj993 @cj993
Sat through Bastard!!! terrible show

L33K @l33k
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
L33K @l33k
Air - a good way to get asleep w/o taking sleeping pills but i made it through lol...
School Days - i got traumatized after i watched the show... wth did i just watched...
Karin - why the heck did i bought a whole dvd series on this... it was so corny...
Naruto - i admit i was watching a marathon in CN network on this shizzz... i still dont get it why a ninja is wearing an orange vest...
A-Channel - a trying hard K-On copycat... but the whole series was so boring... no replay value or charisma like K-On at all...

Eevee @eevee
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Eevee @eevee
Didn't sit threw it but my cuzen tried making me watch Ghost in the shell
I feel asleep xD,sorry it just didnt get my attention!

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Kyetge! @kyetge
I didn't like Bleach when I first saw the beginning episodes. Couldn't watch past Ep 3 and it didn't make a good impression on me the way Naruto did in seventh grade, but maybe in the future I'll try it again and see if my opinion on that anime is the same.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
What was that shit they use to play on Toonami, Bobobobobo. The whole time I couldn't even wrap around my head what the hell was going on. Annd I agree with Eve. After the opening song played for Ghost in the Shell I always change the channel lol

Kyetge! @kyetge
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
Kyetge! @kyetge
I miss that show. It was even more nonsensical than freeaking FoolyCooly!
I would just watch the episodes to laugh at his ugly hair with my three sisters and three brothers. xD
Fun times.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Dislike Anime, Worse???
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Lol really, you actually ENJOYED that junk. It was such a derpy show and not in the cool kick ass way, just...just no. But I actually thought his hair was pretty awesome, except for the nasty noise hairs. I like Fooly Cooly better because even though there was the continious Wtf syndrome, there was guitars and giant robot monster...things. Can't complain there. And! When you actually get the plot you feel like a wiz kid :D
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