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Girlfriend makes profile on dating site

Hello. My girlfriend doesnt have many friends to none at all. But, Im worried cause thos is a dating site. She did give me all her info I do check up on it sometimes. We had this thing where, I spent alot of time on Skype with my friend Ive known half of them for 4/or 5 years or more! She comes to me and asks if she can make friends? I cant say no. I would would have felt to be the worst boyfriend in the world. So, said yes! And she made a profileon here. She loves me I feel it. But, it still feels nice guys finnsh last. Maybe she found someone better than me! Or Im just looseing my mind. Can someone make some since of this? Why am I like this? I know she loves me! Do I ador her so much. What can I do? delete all my friends I have. She deletes hers and I feel safer? Let me know
-sighs- Im werid, arent I... ;'( Why am I like this. To the girl, I love and want the rest of my entire life!
Let me tell you this budd, Grow some nuts and talk to her about it man- Tell her that what she's doing hurts you and Try to come up with a way, even so- the question im asking is "Why are you on this website?", personally... i think you should both delete your accounts and try things off here; Go out, watch a movie or do something man. But buddy- don't surpress your feelings, talk to her and tell her how it makes you feel; She wants friends? Invite her to a skype group, if not... the hell man; she might be here for excitement or something, i doubt it though. And secondly, don't ever say you wanna spend your life with a girl until you both are ready, Don't try and shotgun things. COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNICATION, With some trust on the side or you better break it off right now man.
Yeahh, I have talked to her about, it. She said it reminded her of high school again. She was so happy! And I did also talk about it more. But, than she goes to me about skype and deleting people I've known for so long. Even a friend of my who has been with me, through break ups, and break ups! Always put me back on my feet, she wants this because it's something to do with anime, and she's never really had friends for a long, LONG time.
Me and you sound alike lol like i have that exact problem you see with me what happened is she made a friend in her school keep in mind this is a relationship over the internet i live in florida while she lives in Pennsylvania i got a bit jealous of how close she was to this guy...but what can i tell her? No i dont want you to be friends (i know in my mind that i dont want her to be but at the same time can i tell her not to be friends and be the worst boyfriend) that basically sort of ruined things and we arent together now actually this happened a couple days ago but my advice is just trust her as much as you can. if her love for you is as strong as yours for her you shouldnt have a problem...if not sorry to say she isnt the one.
I wish you the best of luck and i hope things work out in your favor hopefully you dont end up like me lmao XD but yeah if you want to see her happy just allow her to make friends and when something bothers you let her know....dont keep things in it just makes it worse
Really, are you two not together because of this, problem? And, Yes! I do trust her, I just don't trust the people/Guys she's with. Already, by what shes told them about me some have said to break up with me. What do I think of that. You know it's just.. I've had so many relationships, where the girl has done so much, to meh... It just gets harder and harder! You know what I mean? And I feel, I know my heart knows shes the "one". God I love her..... Thanks for the luck, Mann! And sorry, about your break up! I wish you luck, also! And Thanks again,info's always good why I posted on here. I have talked to her about this. But, idk. I felt no point was getting through, plus me just fighting my self because shes happy every time, she talks on here. But, just thought you know.. Be the only one that makes her luagh like that. Maybe thats what I gotta tell her? Thanks thou~
You love her? Have you actually met? Also, if you can't have trust, you have nothing. So what if she wants friends? Trust her. Short and sweet,no need for a long winded paragraph. :P
Dude that was so my relationship XD i wanted to be the only one that made her feel that way cause she was so happy when she talked to her friend it was like ok what is that guy doing that has you talking about him like that? Its something that gets you thinking
yaasshat, is really right! But, -sighs- Just wish... I could be that guy again. But, Alright. I guess, not having trust you have nothing. So~ I should. Just hard, I'm in the call with her, and shes getting text from so many guys, and people to that are random. and luaghing so hard, even watching a movie, she types lol! idk. I have to start trusting way more. Thanks! And Yes, I am truely inlove with her, like omg!!! I want die for her!
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