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Los Lonely Boys And Lazy Boy Furniture

Allow me to explain the title of this thread. In my common speech, I refer to men who constantly complain about being lonely as "Los Lonely Boys" (after the Chicano band). Men who complain about being single but don't make ANY attempt to date I refer to as "Lazy Boy Furniture". Guys who are a combination of both are Los Lonely Lazy Boy Furniture. I got the idea from two friends. My one friend tries to get girls, but because he is extremely shy, narcissistic, and arrogant, he doesn't talk to most girls, unless they are "nerds" or into anime. He gets depressed when he finds out they are lesbians or taken. Or straight up not into him. He refuses to date online. Instead he says the only way to meet girls is go to a specific con once a year. He never does. He's autistic so I give him slack, but he always whines about being single. And he's Hispanic so I call him a "Los Lonely Boy". My other best friend is an extremely patriotic Greek-American and will only date women who like his Naval interests and his Greek heritage. He says he will never ask out a girl because "that is ungentlemanly" and then complains about being single. My advice? Don't be like these two losers.
Lol harsh XD that how you talk about your friends? Meh i can agree dont whine about being single when you have done nothing to change it and dont beg and harrass people to go out with you just dont it never works ¬ ¬ not that i've tried but it doesnt get you that far
(pretty sure it should be "el lonely boy" because "boy" is singular but i digress lol) Well I think it's kind of judgemental to call one of them a loser because of his choices. As you mentioned, he's autistic so give him some time to open up on his own. If he wants to talk to a girl, let him do it himself; don't call him a loser because he's too shy. And there's nothing wrong with being picky about your partner. I'm extremely picky too and it's a good thing because that means there's a higher chance I won't be stuck with someone who I'll regret dating. I'd rather be forever single than be with someone I dislike. There are people who choose to only date someone who share a very specific interest; though that really limits their choices or it might be regarded as narrowminded or whatever, it still means they know what they want and I'm not one to judge because I don't know their exact reasons. Cut your friends a little more slack. Not everyone's outgoing or open to choices.
Lol damn
Lonely up there on that pedestal huh. I know it gets frustrating hearing people talk about that stuff, but we've all felt that way and all been through it. So try a little sympathy. The things that pepole tend to hate, are the things they don't like about themselves.
Actually, I have a girlfriend. Because I started improving my personality and body. I have no sympathy for people who don't do something about what they don't like. I don't accept the status quo. Yeah, I used to be like them, but I tried. They don't try. They sit on their asses and complain. Maybe I am being harsh, but it's only because I used to be like them. The sad part is I know they won't change. I don't baby or coddle people. People need a slap in the face of reality. I believe in tough love.
Sometimes tough love is needed, I agree with that. But tough love only works when its given from people who care about the person. Given from someone at random, and they will instantly get defensive and shut out anything you try to say. If a good friend or family member says, " get off your ass and meet some people", you know they just want what's best for you. Same thing said from a random stranger, and they'll just assume you're an insensitive ass.
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