You know you are an Otaku when you....

EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
You know you are an Otaku when you....
EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
Yup, it is one of these comedy threads.
If you are unfamiliar with this, all you have to do is begin with:
"You know you are an Otaku when you..."
And end it with something related to Otaku activities.
For example:
You know you are an Otaku when you...
1) Join an Otaku website like MaiOtaku
2) Make a thread called "You know you are an Otaku when you..."
3) Make up awesome names for specific actions (such as breaking something in half)
4) Search for anime games in Steam
5) Pointing out the one person near the window

EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
The List Thus Far:
For example:
You know you are an Otaku when you...
1) Join an Otaku website like MaiOtaku
2) Make a thread called "You know you are an Otaku when you..."
3) Make up awesome names for specific actions (such as breaking something in half)
4) Search for anime games in Steam
5) Point out the one person near the window
6) have spent all your monthly living expenses on anime and are having a healthy diet of instant ramen at all meals for the next four weeks. -kallsu
7) give up on trying to come up with a witty observation and go watch anime instead -rOBSCENE-pie
8) Start humming an anime song out of boredom
9) When you loose interest in 3DPD.-neet-one
10) have that chaika meme face taped to the back of your fullbody mirror for "in case i need it" purposes - nexpensitivity

kallsu @kallsu
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
kallsu @kallsu
"You know you are an Otaku when you..."
You have spent all your monthly living expenses on anime and are having a healthy diet of instant ramen at all meals for the next four weeks.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
When you give up on trying to come up with a witty observation and go watch anime instead

EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
EvenSteven2 @evensteven2
Start humming an anime song out of boredom

neeto @neet_one
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
neeto @neet_one
When you loose interest in 3DPD.

inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
inexpensitivity @inexpensitivity
have that chaika meme face taped to the back of your fullbody mirror for "in case i need it" purposes

TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
TE Anubis @timeenforceranubis
You know you're an otaku when you're running out of space to display your figures and your first thought is "buy more shelves" instead of "buy less figures"

Emily_Sinclair @misty_rose
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
Emily_Sinclair @misty_rose
You know you are an otaku when... call your friends by the names of the characters they remind you.

neeto @neet_one
commented on
You know you are an Otaku when you....
neeto @neet_one
You know you're an otaku when you can name every precure.
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