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I'm confused as I'm amazed

I just realized after a week of crazed sex that sex is not as important as before I realized I like the intimacy but not the sex itself. Is there something off with me .
Apr 25, 15 at 4:00pm
yeah bro, you're crazy. better get yourself committed right away, you're clearly a danger to society with that kind of thinking.
danger to society? How?
Yeah..shit happens. There different ways to fix this if you really worried over there.But it's normal sometimes you are craving sex and then poof all gone like you said it becomes unimportant..it could be the types of food your eating like soy-milk is can takes away your sex drive if you drink enough and confuses you...and other food enhances it..it could mean you fine with the sex but it not as important to you now cause you love her and know you got her so sex kinda just is there.If you stop sex altogether for a few months or maybe a year then let's see if you still feel the same way....lol..But it's normal to feel this way about sex off and on.Another reason could be that you just fill"sex full" for the time being. ;)
I remember this happening once when I was in my later teens. I think one of my friends described it as me becoming less shallow, haha.
Apr 25, 15 at 4:09pm
..., I didn't mean that literately. I was kidding, it's all good man.
No but I think sex itself is just a hassle I still get turn on but if I have sex yes if not like bill burr said I have a never ending sandwich in my pocket I can neutralize so I think I'm like done with looking for relationships for sex or where sex is a plus for the relationship.
I'm afraid you must be sacrificed before this sickness can spread http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll287/21wq/ponies/thumb_zpsbtiayekv.jpeg
Apr 25, 15 at 4:50pm
@rOBSCENE-pie has the right idea.
I always want sex but want it more when I can't have it. But I don't look for relationships based on sex. I haven't had sex in about 4yrs now, only because I haven't been in a relationship in that time. My overall (daily) sex drive is reduced a little when I can be physically close to a girl (cuddling) even if it doesn't include sex, though being close does make me horny too. When I'm having regular sex (close to daily or more) I don't feel like it's that important, but I want it way more when I can't have it. It's kind of like being hungry. When I eat regularly, I eat more out of habit than being really hungry and so it doesn't feel that important or taste as good as when I go long periods without food, then it tastes soooo much better and I want it sooo bad! Also, masturbation is never as satisfying as sex. Kind of like drinking a meal replacement shake vs eating a steak (masturbation vs sex).
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