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Stuff a guy would want or like....

When ever I do some thing why do people seem to gravate towards the thing I just did -_-
Actually, op was a she...
Mar 12, 16 at 10:07am
Say what? I didn't know my gender could be that pathetic. :c
Pathetic? Kind of, in a way. It was more complicated than just being "pathetic".
Mar 12, 16 at 10:41am
If there is something the OP wasn't.. it's being "complicated". :D
Mmmk... I've been here a while and know a few things about a few people. Sometimes, those things don't just pertain to a thread or what's posted.
Well it doesn't really matter since OP is gone but she is either really young or has a learning disability or both. I find her blowjob dedication amusing and it would probably be an ego boost for whatever schmuck dated her though I don't think I could date such a simplistic girl. By now she's probably knocked up by some ass who only dated her to boast to his friends about the great blowjobs and left her as soon as she was prego.
lmfao really? what is this thread XD the dark side of MO shows itself. i couldnt handle a girl who is like this tbh...and i could care less about blowjobs tbh i actually dont even want them
Many here mocking her, once gave her advice and may have even called her a friend... All is not as it seems. Edit: Sure are a lot of hypocrites.
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