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Stuff a guy would want or like....

@Simon's Girl - That about sums it up for the most part. There is a reason guys hate it when you don't finish, it can be potentially painful later. I have never got a woman to answer me this: Does the same thing happen to women when they get aroused close to orgasm a few times but never climax? Getting cock-blocked outright is usually better than the blue balls IMHO lol.
@DarkuSchneider I'm glad you think so ^^ and yes yes....I had that happen to me before I got close then he moved me on top or he slowed down and he orgasm and it over and i was about to finish hahaha xD so yes we get that arouse to climax and then once it stops we get this werid sinking feeling i guess you can say.
i Felt pain before yes like a tighten hold back fill and hold kinda like i had to go pee but i held it in too much that i dont need to go anymore squeeze feeling and then after a while it stops..-sighs- thats when i'm like really going to orgasm greatly lol.But it hard to explain some girl don't have any pain they just feel this draining feeling right before the climax failed.But blue balls still probably hurt more lol
Agreed Ancient_Reaper, better to make them happy.
It doesn't happen to everyone all the time I'm sure lol, thanks for answering that.
Yeah the good part is there's a lot of things I can do that are pleasurable for me that don't involve sex. I tend to enjoy some aspects of D/s relationships with me being the Dominant, but I can turn that off easily, its just something I kinda got activated by one girl I was with and its been an interest. The point is for your partner to love you and please you and for you to please her, so yeah, should be about what's comfortable for both.
I've been reading about CBT, every guy want one or would like to try it at least once in their lives right? http://puu.sh/h0r7l/6888b02996.png
I hear there are men that pay lots of good money for that in Tokyo and DC.
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