Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?

Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
So I am a non theistic ( atheist ) Buddhist, which to me, means I am sort of in the middle of religious and irreligious.
In a partner I value religious compatibility highly. That being the premise, I will only be able to be with atheists, Buddhists, Shinto, other polytheists, or in narrow cases, Jews or agnostics. If I found a highly compatible partner who was Christian, Muslim or other monotheist, I would expect them to convert if we got serious in a relationship. In my opinion, I'm relatively comfortable with a wide range of non Christian and Muslim partners, which is something I notice not everyone has, so if I am important enough to her that she is willing to have sex, cohabit or marry me, she must convert before any of those happen. Besides Shinto, I will not convert to any other religion as I have committed to Buddhism.
So I have three main questions for those that wish to participate:
1. Would you date someone of a different religion? Feel free to qualify your statements as to what your limits are.
2. If you are religious, would you date someone who is atheist or irreligious?
3. If you answered yes, would you convert to their religion or expect them to do the same?

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
neeto @neet_one
Ehh, I'd rather not. Might work if they weren't too pushy about it, but still they'd probably be a bit bothered by my lack of religion as time went on. I think it'd be better if we had the same kinda mind set.

Sleepy_Ninja313 @sleepy_ninja313
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
Sleepy_Ninja313 @sleepy_ninja313
I'm not really a religious person, but I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as they don't force it on me.

徐々に @jojoni
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
徐々に @jojoni
1. Yes, as long as they don't enforce their beliefs.
2. I'm not religious & I participate in/celebrate cultural festivals.
3. No, everyone is free to have their own faith & beliefs. As long as there is mutual respect.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
1> Yes, unless they make a big deal out of it or try to force it on me.
2> I was raised southern Baptists but many of my family are Roman Catholic. My family was not hardcore about it and only talked about church stuff at church if ever. We were never forced to go but strongly encouraged to explore it. I am not very religious but like Buddhist and Shinto concepts more as they make sense to me. If anything, I am more spiritual than religious.
3> No. In my last relationship she knew how I felt about organized religion and was fine with it at first. I would still go to church with her on some occasions for her. Usually it was to meet up with her dad to go out later or she liked to go on Christmas to hear the choirs. I did not mind really but it was what killed the relationship ultimately. She started to go more and became guilt ridden about 'living in sin with a man' even though we planned on getting married after college. One day the church talked her into doing an intervention on me to save my soul. Let us just say I was not polite with my words. Is it bad to be proud of being ex-communicated from a church? =^.^=

Kohagura @kohagura
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
Kohagura @kohagura
I just have 2 conditions for it.
1: Don't make drama about it or let it consume how they think rationally about decisions, for example ignoring medical care.
2: Don't force or pressure anyone, including our kids to be any religion, let them choose for themself.

Codename @codename4711
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
Codename @codename4711
Easy. I'll date anyone of ANY religion if it does not impact us whatsoever. It's your thing, I respect that, but it's not mine, so I would like my beliefs (Or, lack of) to be respected in return.

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Yup and I am. I was raised southern Baptist,but I lean more towards agnostic and my girlfriend is atheist. We never clash over beliefs, but I know for some their belief is their life and that's when it makes getting into relationships with those of a different belief kind of hard. I respect all beliefs, but I hate being told I must convert. I will believe as I wish and tough shit for anyone who thinks I should believe as they do, it's a belief for a reason.

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
1. Yeah i would date someone religious
2. I aint religious so even atheist or irregular works
3. If they asked me to convert i would say no i woukd not expect them to do the same if asked would they be atheist

babykunoichi @babykunoichi
commented on
Would you date someone of a different religion or who has no religion?
babykunoichi @babykunoichi
1. Yes, I definitely would. If they are of a monotheistic religion I would hope that they would find some enlightenment and truth in my empirical beliefs. Otherwise, we won't be dating for long. But I would never get married nor plan a long term relationship with someone who didn't have similar beliefs.
I would hope that if I dated someone religious, other than Buddhism, they would find some truth in my beliefs that are evidence based off of scientific fact rather than faith based off of interpretations.
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