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Meeting someone thats alot like an anime character

so i met the most beautiful girl in the world and well she reminds me of a character from an anime do any of you guys have a girlfriend or boyfriend that is alot like an anime character?
I got a waifu, does that count?
My friends and some randoms say I remind them of a anime/manga character. Also some of my friends remind me of anime characters. Those not from any one anime/manga. Maybe like our own original manga/anime.
I have to say i met someone like that on the day i was born... Myself XD
I dated a girl once that was pretty much anime-ish kawaii. She loved to prance about naked by the river when we went camping; she was beautiful and wore fairy wings often in public just cause and it suited her greatly. She was flippant and chaotic random as any fairy or airhead magical girl. It was fun while it lasted.
A lot of my friends have interesting personalities as if it were an anime sitcom, but most of the time it's not 100% the real us, and more of a "for fun" acting that we exaggerate it. It's still there, though, we're just not 100% generic like anime. I think everyone's got a mix of various anime personalities.
The only animeish character I know is my baby sister, because most little kids kind of act like anime characters in their own right.
Nope. People have said that I look like an anime character, though. Mainly on days where I don't care to brush my hair, haha
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