Soooo we talk then....

keichi @keichi
Soooo we talk then....
keichi @keichi
So this has happened a few times. Talkin to this chic, good conversation then they just drop off the face of the goddamn universe. when I look on her page, she's online but not responding. So I let it go and not bother her because clearly she can't be bothered but I still feel some type of way. That annoys me to no end because they are the ones who initially started the conversation!!!!!!! Im more than happy to talk but don't fucking cut me off like that and then come back and do it again. Am I alone or is that just me?!

Mikorin @exad
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
Mikorin @exad
Well.. worrying about it won't help... I mean, it sucks but.. This place is a buffet for women soo... you should kind of expect it..

͏͏ @mokujin
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
͏͏ @mokujin
Happens to me a lot and I just remove them.

axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
axel_ayumi @axel_ayumi
Preaching to the choir. It only bothers me when I'm really looking for to talking to them the next day

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Happens alot on here. You will be use to it soon enough.

Rain @rainx
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
Rain @rainx
I suppose it's a slightly passive aggressive way of saying "I'm not interested". It sucks yeah, but you can't let it really get you down. At least with initial online interaction, it's not like you invested a ton of time into the "relationship" if it was just chatting a few times. Much easier to deal with versus dating for a handful of weeks IRL only to have them never call or text you again because you did something or they found out something about you that turned them off. To me, that's much hard to deal with.

nikita_13 @nikita_13
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
nikita_13 @nikita_13
Same thing happens IRL, the difference is seeing them blow you off.
Walk away and move on.

qdoketsu12 @qdoketsu12
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
qdoketsu12 @qdoketsu12
yup so use to it i left this site for the most part

Cero @cero
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Soooo we talk then....
Cero @cero
This account has been suspended.

Gray @graylorde
commented on
Soooo we talk then....
Gray @graylorde
Happens a lot, not just here, but in general.
Been talking to some girls, we hit it off, start to share things with each other and get along great.
Then suddenly, no more responses, not even an explanation, as if I had said something incredibly creepy.
They are online, they check my messages, and haven't blocked me.
There's no "I'm too busy", "sorry I'm not interested" or "I'm seeing someone else", or anything at all.
Just... nothing.
It's really disappointing, especially when it's someone you've been getting to know for a while and you're starting to look forward to talking with them.
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