a broken heart

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
a broken heart
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
I just don't know what to do any my... my boyfriends just walk out the door and left me I don't know what to do I feel so sick in side... he has turned so cold

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
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a broken heart
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
its late so I don't think any one is on...
about be... well I'm old I just turned 22 1/1/2012 and I just cant keep a boyfriend... I was just dumped today and I feel like dieing... we are to different I am full of love but he is not even close to needing me. I want some one who would love to be all lovey ... some one loyal and who would accepted me for what I am... some one that I can be myself around...sight yes I like anime and video games I love con's and cosplaying... I am very shy and I can be jealous... I want some one to be mine and for me to belong to some one back like I was... I am very depressed I have a head ake and I feel like I'm going to be sick...T.T

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
commented on
a broken heart
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
It hurts so bad I with I could kill myself but I cant I'm so afraid of pain and dieing just as much as I'm afraid of being alone </3 I want to find love who wont leave me and brake my heart...I just don't know what to do

NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
commented on
a broken heart
NujabesRIP @hopeless_romantic
I'm sure it's been said before and I hate to put things so bluntly, but it's the truth. Suicide is not the answer you're looking for. It is a coward's way out. I have been in your shoes before I'm sure many people have. Honestly I think everyone questions their life at least one point during their time on this Earth.
I know it may seem like it is now, but a breakup is not the end of the the world. I like to think of them as learning experiences to help refine yourself and your tastes for when you really do find that special someone. Not that there is anything wrong with you. Sometimes people just don't mix well and don't realize it until later in a relationship and end up wanting out. That's what a relationship is though. Somewhat of a gamble both people take part in. If things don't work out how you had originally hoped take what you've learned and move on. Easier said than done I know trust me. Just keep your chin up and have faith in knowing that things will get better and eventually you will come across someone that can make your heart sing.
If you want to you're more than welcome to PM me so we can discuss things further. I hope this helps

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
commented on
a broken heart
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
no... thanks for trying but I've heard this speach a lot I am to missed up for this It's all ways the same love friends I feel thay are just lies and life is the bigest lie of all I just want a way out ...I only know pain sadness and hate and all the times I had love or friends in my life It never lasts its just a drug... I am a hated monster... I dont even know what I did to make people hate me... just because I was shy and diffrent people all ways made fun of me... now I am nothing but hate and sadness. a mental mess. a monster ...what is the point I am just so lonely... T.T

BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
commented on
a broken heart
BrokenHeartGoddess @brokenheartgoddess
ow- I'm an stuped too If no one couldent tale ... ugly and unhealth too
is there any way to kill your self with out pain I just hate being here...

robot_nyan @robot_nyan
commented on
a broken heart
robot_nyan @robot_nyan
Im sorry but I think its about time you woke up to reality and ended the pity party. Life sucks, but theres always someone worse off. Suicide doesnt solve anything and quit putting yourself down. How can another person love you if you cant even accept yourself?
Stop focusing on love and loneliness and focus on fixing what problems you have. Break ups hurt but you cry, get it out and move on. Your ex isnt exactly dying over the break up now, is he? So why should you?
I'm sorry if it sounds harsh but thats just how things are.

zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
commented on
a broken heart
zeroblade4201 @zeroblade4201
Theres someone out there for you I'm sure of it.
I myself have been like that too, someone I actually met on this site, she was planning on coming to see me yesterday and we go to an anime con this weekend but all of the sudden her mom sits down and talks with her and says we wouldn't work out because our religions were different which i think is bull.
But I was pretty broken up about it, and still am, I even thought about overdosing on my meds but I didn't. But hey look at it this one at least you got that far,But I still haven't given up hope that theres someone out there for me, so don't give up hope! *huglz*

Key @keyrunners
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a broken heart
Key @keyrunners

Key @keyrunners
commented on
a broken heart
Key @keyrunners
Also there will be someone out there for you.... but my advice is to not LOOK for a someone to love. let it occur naturally. in my personal experience i have always been alot happier when i didn't worry about love, and just lived each day to my best. Sure i may have had some missteps and heart breaks. i've helped alot of girls that i was interested in find someone amazing that wasn't me, and although it killed me inside to do it, in the end i just wanted them to be happy. So yeah. also.... change your account name... it's bad juju. well.... unless you change your pic to a pic of taiga aisaka..... in which case *rambles*
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