oniiai(raven) @oniiai
commented on
oniiai(raven) @oniiai
oh lord. you have a lot to learn about me mister XD I may be lewd but I'm not completely fascinated with sex.
maybe a manga-ka tho...
and @Key that's exactly what I'm afraid of.
Key @key17
commented on
Key @key17
I don't know if you'd be successful or not, but your voice is indeed beautiful. Problem is, it takes a lot more than just a pretty voice to make a living as a singer.
drmario @drmario
commented on
drmario @drmario
@artist reborn
It would be nice if people could do things just because they want to, but choosing to give up on a dream is sometimes the right choice.
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
ロイ @wallace614
You see just what I told you a while back
Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Aka-san @redhawk
don't let others put you down
use their harsh words as a driving force
to keep on going
prove them wrong
Hell i'm not gonna go through my life like that
If I did what I set out to accomplish and I failed at it
I wouldn't care at all, because I set out to do it
instead of listening to someone tell me it was a waste
and living with the regret afterwards because I chose to listen to them
whether they are family or friends
Niknik @niknik
commented on
Niknik @niknik
Im okay with just having a living from singing like getting invites in wedding etc xD
Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Aka-san @redhawk
there you go then
you don't have to be famous or anything
as long as you do what you want to do
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
ロイ @wallace614
Lol like phoebe from friends lol
Key @key17
commented on
Key @key17
Hey, that's good enough. Trust me, being famous sucks.
drmario @drmario
commented on
drmario @drmario
@artist reborn
That's nice. It's great that you have the determination to strive for what you want. But you should also consider what you should do and what you need. Obviously if someone tells you that you can't do something you shouldn't just take their word for it. You should think about it, maybe do some "soul searching" if it's something really important. But don't go wasting your life reaching for something you won't get when there are other great things to be had.
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