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Women who respond to messages in a dull way?

I don't know if this has been the experience of other people, but it has been happening to me a lot. I use O.K. cupid app to find girls in my area and occasionally get messages. I find we have something in common like anime and I get really passionate in talking, but all they ever do is respond to my question and wait for me to say something else interesting :/ It's like I'm playing a game of tennis against a wall, so eventually I just stop texting them altogether because they bore me. As a guy, am I supposed to keep putting up the effort of thinking of things to talk about? This happens with almost every girl I talk to. Am I doing something wrong?
I stopped trying after a while to
at-least you got a message....i got nothing. so i stopped and then i stumbled onto this site.
... maybe they like things like anime but on a very low note and put more emphasis on other things?(like alcohol and parties?) And some women are slow with social media, they interact a lot better in face to face occassions. And then comes the "I'll respond to the ones I like the most only" type. Those are the really superficial ones, who write the most interesting bios possible, and yet can't keep an intelligent convo further than "hello".
Hmmm.... How about try being friends. Talk is if she wa sa guy for a few days before looking at her like a girl. Like think of her as a trap! MMMM! That might have a chance at maybe working to your possible advantage most likely!
I get this a lot with guys... I dunno it varies a lot though. Some will respond dull, like "I see", and some will respond with actual conversation. Same for girls and guys. Girls sometimes respond that way to other girls too, it all depends what you talk about, or their own personality. They might be shy or awkward, or they're uninterested or annoyed. I just try to cycle through different topics, and if one of them gets them talking more, that's probably something interesting to them. I don't think you'd find many anime fans on those sites, by the way. So, talking to someone on those sites is kind of like going on a gaming/otaku site and talking about... I dunno French television series? Anime is still considered a foreign and bizarre thing to most people, especially if it's fan-subbed and not official dubbed or on public TV(not paid channels). When I try to talk to non-anime fan guys about anime, they just kinda laugh it off and slowly the conversation dies, and they kinda just leave. XD That's natural for girls to do too.
Maybe it's a sign they're not really interested but are too polite to say/to not reply to your messages at all, so they balance by not encouraging you too much. Occasionally they may just be busy doing other things and send short messages while working. I also agree with what Kohagura is saying.
Or...Instead of playing cat and mouse, just set a time to meet. When i used to use sites like okcupid, I'd message for no more than a week. I got numbers easy enough, but only met up with one woman. Messages were easy enough to get, but im not sure if the community on that site has changed much since i last used it a couple of years ago. The two things i hated were playing text tag and people who were flaky. People on those sites know they have a much better chance of finding someone local, so why bother messaging for an extended time? My goal was to meet women, not to get to know a virtual personality. You only need to talk briefly about a topic of common interest and then exchange numbers at which point you try to set up a time and place to meet. I used to kind of laugh at all the guys who posted on the message board about not being able to get a conversation going....They were missing the point. Meeting, now that gets a little tricky and i honestly don't blame people for being a little wary. I had a few meet ups that didn't work out because of schedules, but honestly, if they live locally and can't make just thirty minutes of free time in maybe a two week period, they weren't all that interestd to begin with. I made the mistake of playing text tag for one month, don't do that, things you say in text get misconstrued very easy and it's just a waste of time for so long.Best of luck, but id advise real life interactions.
Ah, it just depends on the person. Also you can't convey emotion through text you might want to try calling them or skype c:
@yaasshat Oh yeah, I know all about text tagging. I don't ever text for more than a week without taking it further. But still, we have to at least have a conversation that doesn't bore me out of my mind! I don't like doing all the work thinking about things to talk about. This girl did state that she was really into anime on her profile, but maybe you guys are right. I just didn't talk about the right thing. I guess some people just can't text comfortably with strangers and I just say whatever I want. I just want an interesting conversation :/
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