Would you date an aged-faced?

maukun @maukun
Would you date an aged-faced?
maukun @maukun
I still look a little young despite my age (I'm 29), however sometimes I see wrinkles under my eyes, I have dimples in my face and my cheekbones are starting to look prominent XP
Would you date someone with that look? Have you ever dated someone who looked aged?

commented on
Would you date an aged-faced?
lol my aunt is a gold digger, she knows all about that

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Would you date an aged-faced?
yaasshat @yaasshat
Go outside and find out. Ask a real, live woman.

mangalover739 @mangalover739
commented on
Would you date an aged-faced?
mangalover739 @mangalover739
Most of us are average looking people with wrinkles, under eye circles, and slightly flabby bodies. Don't worry too much about your wrinkles. We're all gonna get old some day.
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