Manga or Anime
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Manga or Anime
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Manga....there are alot of good manga out there that may never be anime
Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
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Manga or Anime
Disconnect @tyler_disconnect
Manga!! I believe that's where it mostly starts at hell I read a manga so detailed an deep that it was almost as if I was watching anime
Fiever @rickowned
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Manga or Anime
Fiever @rickowned
kuroiqi @kuroiqi
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Manga or Anime
kuroiqi @kuroiqi
Depends on the series
Like for Hunter x Hunter I never read the manga but everything in the anime felt right. So I'm thinking most people like the Anime over the Manga.
Then there is Anime that lacks info or skips, rushes or even milks an arc. One Piece and Naruto are examples of Anime being worse then the manga when it coms to pacing and having fillers. Then Tokyo Ghoul skipped and rushed arcs and even changed them at times.
IWe also have episodic comedic manga that does everything about right on the Anime or even adds to it. You can do the same on Action Anime but some studios just don't do it. They could add filler action or prolong a fight to make a fight seem more intense. The one scene that I think about that did this right was on Naruto where Madara kicks fodder ass to make him seem more of a god.
It just all depends on the studio that adopts the manga to do a right job I think.
bleh. @reaeryn
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Manga or Anime
bleh. @reaeryn
I really enjoy both. There are some manga series that I pray from the bottom of my heart one day get anime series, but I can't say I prefer one over the other.
Link @askinglink
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Manga or Anime
Link @askinglink
I have to go with Manga
Emi @otakurulette
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Manga or Anime
Emi @otakurulette
Hmm I collect Manga. But anime is cool too, I believe some manga are easier to watch than to read and some Anime are better as manga ^^
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
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Manga or Anime
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Anime is great because, well, it's animated and what not.
Manga is great because it generally tends to go deeper into the story.
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