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Give and take.

Jul 16, 15 at 10:41pm
I'm looking for what anybody might have to say about the pain of good bye, good bye as in, I'm going home for the night, be back tomorrow. We are college students but we aren't able to live together just yet, and we've been dating for a little over a year and a half. But for the past year he has come over to my (parents) house to visit me every day, and has stayed the night a few times but sometimes when he has to go home I don't want him to but I know its best for him and I only want the best for him, but is there a way to make it less painful
Jul 17, 15 at 3:55am
aHH, let's see, *creative *smart *Easy to talk to, usually *can play violin *can sing, though not the best. (Sis is a professional. Learned from her) *hard worker (I've worked at a fast food restaurant, live on a farm, and currently work at a cafe while taking care of my grandmother) *I like animals *I'm good at cooking, even though I don't like cooking *good with kids *good with adults who act like kids *will literally kick your ass or ignore you if you act like a kid *I look decent and try to take care of myself And yeah. This is all stuff I think makes me a pretttty decent person in terms of being a good partner. That said, if you piss me off, I'll hold a grudge for a long time. I'm not going to wait around for someone to take advantage of me when I know an equal is somewhere. I'm not egotistical, don't get me wrong. I've got stuff to offer, and I just want my match. I'm prone to mood swings, and I need my alone time. I can be really cold and aloof, and I'm easily distracted.
Jul 17, 15 at 4:20am
Personally I'd rather the other person find out instead of spilling it out in a list.I could say I have a great personality but that to me just sounds like I'm full of myself and may not be the case for some women. I wanted to kinda partake in this thread but I cannot really offer anything in list form.
Jul 17, 15 at 11:48am
I am adaptable to whomever it may concern. I've struggled and still do to come up with a list of truths about myself, but so much is subject to change. But I do have a moral code I abide by and loyalty is without question. Brutal honesty is my greatest asset and I also take the time to understand other peoples' perspectives.
Jul 17, 15 at 11:56am
This account has been suspended.
Jul 17, 15 at 12:18pm
@hirakuga I'm more or less the same really I guess. One thing is that I won't leave my anime or figure collecting just for someone.
Honestly I'm very adaptable to what someone wants in a relationship and I often role with things and see how they go. But I do think I have traits that my past partners really liked about me, so without trying to sound conceited those are; .My loyalty .I'm brutally honest .I'm kind-hearted and understanding .I always take care of myself .I'm always working hard towards something .I'm very imaginative and creative, I'm a man with a vision .I have plenty of eccentricities which apparently makes me a much more interesting partner .I put down everything I'm doing to listen to my partner .I tailor to their needs in conjunction with them tailoring to mine for a fair and steady relationship .I'm always standing up for myself so I'm no push-over when it comes to conflict .I'm open minded and always willing to listen to what people have to say and always trying new things .Always happy to go to the places that they like with them even at my own monetary expense I'm most certainly not the ideal partner for every girl (I mean that would be silly for anyone to think that) since I have a lot of glaring flaws that some people will find hindering and irritating - I learnt that reality the hard way. But women I've been with have found things about me that I didn't even know about myself, whether it's things they like about me or dislike about me so I'm always willing to hear what praise or critique they may have for me. If someone I'm with really likes me and it's working out then great, if not then we're just no compatible - it's really as simple as that.
Ooh ooh this will be fine. I'll be as honest as possible and do pros and cons as they come to mind. + is pro, - is con...obviously. + I'm generally laid back and fun. - My coolness and tendency to carefully analyze and not freak out makes me come off as distant and uncaring sometimes. + I'm not lazy, I work 50+ hours a week most weeks. And I don't mean sitting at a desk pushing papers. + I have a lot of endurance and willpower. It's common for me to stay up 30+ hours straight and spend 20+ of that working on especially busy weeks. - I have trouble sleeping, I get insomnia sometimes and it can mess with my sleep schedule. - I dislike busy work, I don't do things for the sake of keeping busy. I don't feel the need to full every second of my day with something "Productive". + I love to cuddle... a lot... too much... it's a problem when I actually find someone I can stand enough to cuddle... - I'm incapable of making a separation between love and sex. If I don't love you or at least really really like you I almost find the idea of having sex boring and unfulfilling. Online roleplaying where I can at least pretend we like each other can be different...sometimes. + I'm generally regarded as smart... - ...But I prefer to be silly and I simply don't try if I'm not interested. "Playing dumb" to get laughs and mess with people has become my bad habit... perhaps even a defense mechanism. + I built my own gaming computer. - I use my gaming computer way too much sometimes. - I'm colorblind. + I have an insanely high pain threshold. - I'm only 25 and my hands are already accumulating some pretty good scars. + I'm extremely generous and tend to spend too much money on other people without thinking. + I do a lot of heavy lifting at work and I'm extremely strong. - My back gets messed up sometimes, my high pain threshold just makes it worse cuz I don't stop when it hurts. (Then my boss scolds me like a child). - I lost my belief in true love and have trouble making lasting connections to people anymore. + I'm still extremely friendly and courteous to just about anyone of any race creed or gender, as long as they're not douches.
Hmm....let the biased of Testarossa begin. (I was put up to sharing this) I think I will borrow Bottousai's method of explaining things for this little diddy. + I am a nurturing and giving partner in almost every way. It makes me very sensitive to the needs of the one I am with and I do my best to be proactive in my accomodation of those needs. One cannot exist without the other according to Taoism though...so each of my pros will be met with its con. - As a nurturing person, I am not a very good fit for people that are selfish. If they are too self involved or do not really give love and affection in return it is not only taking advantage of one of my positive qualities, but it also generally has no consequence. This causes me to end up in a self destructive (emotionally) pattern of constantly striving to keep up my end of the love, and my end of the responsibility, regardless of how much my partner may be dropping their portion. + I am a very intelligent man. The book learning may not be in my head but I will be able to wrap my head around any concept that is presented to me and give you my opinion or thoughts on whatever is presented to me. Meaning that no matter the subject you will always have your best friend there to give you something to think about should you need it. - The negative to this trait is...I'm not dumb. I do not believe poorly played out excuses and vague answers to questions like "What is wrong?" with "I don't know" do not generally placate me. Some people are content letting this things slide, but my mind always tells me that if the feeling is there it is better to discuss it now, and to put it to rest/fix it before it can be allowed to fester. The other negative of course is if my potential partner doesn't really like conversing about topics that are intellectually stimulating I will end up feeling intellectually lonely. + Despite sporting an average physical appearance I am very confident in who I am and my devotion to my partner is without fault. I provide my partner with someone they can always trust to tell them what I believe is best for them, and they can always rest assured knowing that I am always looking out for what is in their best interest, regardless of the situation. - The negative to a confident partner...especially in my case, is that arrogance can often come up. I am no exception to this rule, and I am a very arrogant man that does not let others get him down. This can be considered a good trait, but pride often breeds blindness to mistakes. So even if I am wrong I may not notice due to my own pride. + Loving. Many people are loving and many people are caring, but we each bring our own unique brand of love to the table. I am not someone that can be sexually interested in an individual without the emotional attachment, it just doesn't work. I also am not a very social or open man unless I am emotionally involved with someone. Everything I share, and everything I express on this site have always been things I would openly express to anyone I am having a deep conversation with in a coffee shop. My love comes with access to my mind, and my mind like anyone elses is unique. The treasure cannot be estimated....and any boasting would not only do it any justice, but it would just sound conceited. - Codependent. I am a believer of codependency in relationships. In the last 20 or so years much of the mainstream social approaches to relationships has been the opposite. I do not believe in brief, whirlwind romances of incredible adventure that go out in a blaze of glory and end. If I am developing a relationship with someone it is with the intention of spending my life with them, and -only- them for the rest of my existence on this plane. I believe that the healthiest relationships are those where two people become a close knit unit that can lean on eachother when they are not strong themselves. I don't believe in tons of "independence" in relationships. That does not make me needy, it just means I believe my life becomes "our" life when I am with someone, and to some degree I expect the same. Personally I do not find this to be a "con" but in respects to current outlooks on it socially I am labelling it thus. + Strong. I am a strong minded and willful person. My desire to accomplish goals, evolve both as a unit and a person, as well as openess to personal growth does not have end. I believe we are always evolving as we live in life and I will always back my partner in their growth. - Old-fashioned morality. This is another I do not see it as a "con" but life very well might. I was raised in the country in Northern California, we were a bit old and back woods about many things and I did not keep those values, but I kept what I believed in. I do not believe many social interactions people have on a day to day basis nowadays to be "proper" not only on a partner standpoint, but just in general. It causes some people to label me as "archaic" others try to label it as "controlling". I do not force my idealisms on anyone, but I will let someone know when I have a problem and if it needs to change. If they choose to ignore my warning, then they find themselves out of my life without further notice. I was raised to treat people how I want to be treated, if something bothers me morally it is your decisions to keep doing whatever you like, and it is my decision to trim you from my life if I do not approve. Overall, I believe I bring a level of wholesomeness and dedication that not all people believe in anymore, it has caused me to be taken advantage of many times in my life, but I have learned that I must remain stalwart in my resolve if I am to find what I want....so I bring my determination to the relationship...and my will does not falter. There I am, a synopsis of me and all that I offer. ~Tessa
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