(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
commented on
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
When people claim to know everything about you.
@Kantmoo It's fun,my friend gets annoyed so easily when I insult him in Japanese. He tries to insult me in Spanish but I know more than him.
Key @key17
commented on
Key @key17
Something fun for me to do as a black person who speaks multiple languages, is listen to people talking behind my back.
I can't count the times I caught people insulting me only to let them know that I could understand what they were saying and bask in the glory of their horrified faces. lol!
Takkun87 @takkun87
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Takkun87 @takkun87
Bullshit is complaining about what was rather than focusing on what is and what can be. ;)
Key @key17
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Key @key17
yaasshat @yaasshat
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yaasshat @yaasshat
*Ahem* Complaining about the small and unnecessary things.
Key @key17
commented on
Key @key17
Is there ANYTHING, at all, on this section, aka. Random Chatter, that ACTUALLY serves a point?
It's pointless banter, it doesn't need to be "necessary".
You don't like those dumb threads, okay fine, but then you're : "Complaining about the small and unnecessary things" like yo eloquently put it.
anon @otakujt
commented on
anon @otakujt
I could tell you alot of things on my mind that are BS. Luckily I'll compress it to the main things. :)
Here we go:
1. People that don't know how to spell words in posts, let alone be able to type down a full sentence correctly. Like "im more important thn th@ guy! :DD"
2. When I'm able to get a harem of girls irl (not even kidding about that) and the girl I want to date isn't even wanting a relationship with me. :P
3. One Piece. It just won't stop...
4. Pokemon. It's great, don't get me wrong. It's just doing what One Piece is doing and it WILL NOT DIE!
5. Weeaboo. 'nuff said.
6. Taking my stuff without asking.
7. Text faces that make no sense. Like: o///o and /o_o/
That's some of the main stuff that I think is BS. I'd put all of it, but it would most likely fill the page.
yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
yaasshat @yaasshat
Pssst... I wasn't complaining, just informing in a sarcastic way. Thanks for say I'm elequent though. :P
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Division managers who bitch about not having enough money for their projects and pay out insane bonuses when we are not making money.
The Edgerunner @theedgerunner
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The Edgerunner @theedgerunner
working 12 hours straight
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