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What am I doing wrong?

Ok, so wherever I go I can not get a girl to like me or even show the slightest hint. Help me on this conquest.
Mar 01, 15 at 12:11am
... that is probably the most vague relationship question I've ever seen. what do you do or try to get the girl to like you? what do you think you're doing right and/or wrong?
Mar 01, 15 at 12:17am
You're 16...Enough said. Also, never try to assume how another "feels" about you. I would also suggest to not stress out about it...again...YOU'RE 16. Girls are just as human as you, why not just try casually talking without motives and just leave it up to chance rather than desperation and hormones? They have the same thoughts" Does he like me?", but at your age both sexes seem to rreally feel pressure ( Wonderful hormones. They will balance out.) internally and externally such as social pressure. And, conquest? Really? ...I think you may know the solution unless you're that thick headed. A relationship is not a conquest. You think you want one? Do you realize the stress involved? It aain't all cotton candy clouds and unicorn farts... Understand love, understand friendship and maybe you'll know what to do.
You tell us, what are you doing wrong?
Mar 01, 15 at 12:31am
I kinda realize that it is not easy, but I am bored being alone all the time yaasshat. To eru, there is not really a girl I like, I think I am not talking in the right way or just not that interesting, I might be blunt, but I dont know how to talk to girls, so help me in the way maybe?
Mar 01, 15 at 12:48am
You don't have to be in a relationship to not feel bored or alone, Aki. There are other people you can talk to and spend time with other than a girlfriend. Then maybe you should try talking to girls you do know. Please oh, please exude confidence. The last thing you want to do is doubt yourself. Find common interests... just give it time and if I may be frank, you are young; as yaasshat already mentioned. These relationships (at least the successful ones) USUALLY happen when it happens; when you least expect it. So just chill and make some friends and have a good time.
Dude, there is no one way to talk to girls. That's almost insulting to think them so simple. They are more like you than you realize. You're "lonely ", I get that. You want female companionship.As I said, that's quite normal and even more so for your age. Just make friends.Hell, make female friends, it's really not so hard. Talk to them just as you would a guy you're talking to for the first time. You're putting pressure on yourself by only thinking of relationship material. Is not a friendship a relationship? You have to start somewhere, so why not start by just being friendly? You don't need to start being flirty from the get go, just let it flow and see what happens. Women/girls really aren't any more complicated than men/boys to talk to.
For Yaasshat, I got a bad reputation at my school. I was in football you know, and I got picked on because I was doing my best, a senior came up behind me and speared me in the back, I tell the coach because my neck hurts, turns out the kid was the coaches son, so I get blamed for that and get the reputation of a snitch.
We're not some strange exotic creatures you know, just go and talk to a girl like a human being you want to know something about! And eru's right, it'll happen naturally when it happens. The worst thing you can do is look at every woman like a potential conquest, just try making friends with a few girls and see what happens ^ ^
Mar 01, 15 at 9:36am
A conquest... huh? That's awfully insensitive I'd say, and the first you got wrong.
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