Most anticipated games of 2015?

DenionN @denion_neville96
Most anticipated games of 2015?
DenionN @denion_neville96
My most anticipated games of 2015 are Persona 5, tekken 7 and Mortal kombat X, what're your most anticipated games?

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
commented on
Most anticipated games of 2015?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
BLOODBORNE! That's easily number one by far. Then I guess DMC4SE if it comes out this year. FF15 comes out this year right? so that.
Bout it that I'm I have any excitement for, though there are few others that have my interest.

DenionN @denion_neville96
commented on
Most anticipated games of 2015?
DenionN @denion_neville96
DMC4SE, I hope they give us some great new features, also, I hope Vergil has his own moveset/campaign, that would be awesome. :)

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Most anticipated games of 2015?
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
DMC4SE, BloodBorne, Kingdom hearts (dont hold your breath), The last naruto shippuden storm, Resident Evil: Revelations 2, ANY FORM OF AN RPG FOR PS4 LIKE PLZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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Most anticipated games of 2015?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hell yeah! Well if we just go by what DMC3SE gave us, We would get turbo mode, Vergil for Dante's missions and Bloody palace, A very hard mode(Most likely replaced with legendary dark knight mode I pray, Please I need Freaking LDK Difficulty!) and lots of new costumes. Though unlike before we have Vergil as the big advertisement for 4se, So we may get more. But that's what I expect.
I forgot about kh3, Thought it was coming out next year. Storm 4, looks good though.

kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
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Most anticipated games of 2015?
kaneki_ken @kaneki_ken
Metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain along with persona 5, bloodborne, Final fantasy 15.

clear @clear
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Most anticipated games of 2015?
clear @clear
I have to got with Tomb Raider Reborn.

pingu @pingu
commented on
Most anticipated games of 2015?
pingu @pingu
I'm also looking forward a bit to Persona 5, but there is something i look even mooreee forward to, what many people dont seem to care about..
and also trails in the sky chapt 2~

Key @key17
commented on
Most anticipated games of 2015?
Key @key17
Not sure if I'm more interested in Persona 5 or Fire Emblem if to be honest.
Also looking forward to Etrian Mystery Dungeon and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Apart from that, there aren't too many games I'm looking forward to this year.

General - kantmoo @kantmoo
commented on
Most anticipated games of 2015?
General - kantmoo @kantmoo
Kingdoms hearts 3, The Division, Mortal Kombat X, Final Fantasy XV and Star Citizen
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