o>o There you go Zero no Tsukaima Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. Walkure Romanze Tokyo Ravens Tokyo Ghoul Tokyo ESP Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Zero no Tsukaima ive heard about it before from a friend but it slipped my mind so ill probably watch that one first but ill write these other ones down and put on my list of needing to watch thank man :D
Clannad and Clannad After Story, FMA Brotherhood, Tokyo Majin, Skip Beat!, Darker than Black~ I could go on... Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^http://api.ning.com/files/D7OtuoxqP9767ojp5dEEXo1datCQZ1*Kt9dxTBze6aUtZ1viiS28dKvgYJJkQ-kfY5ECmBDuECfng2N3L5qhonMO5lnMu3T*/1wel.jpg
Trinity seven, black bullet, Rosario vampire, black rock shooter, btoom!, dreameater merry, and sword art online. I recommend fantasy and fighting type genre
Zero no Tsukaima
Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.
Walkure Romanze
Tokyo Ravens
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo ESP
Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^http://api.ning.com/files/D7OtuoxqP9767ojp5dEEXo1datCQZ1*Kt9dxTBze6aUtZ1viiS28dKvgYJJkQ-kfY5ECmBDuECfng2N3L5qhonMO5lnMu3T*/1wel.jpg