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21st Knightmare @knightmare13
21st Knightmare @knightmare13
I went to the game centre this morning to buy visual novel. The shopkeeper doesn't let me buy Neko Para Vol 1 since I won't become 18 until this April. Sigh.

21st Knightmare @knightmare13
21st Knightmare @knightmare13
Watching No Game No Life. Shiro is so cute!
An apple a day keeps any one away, if you throw it hard enough!

21st Knightmare @knightmare13
commented on
An apple a day keeps any one away, if you throw it hard enough!
21st Knightmare @knightmare13
Trinity seven, black bullet, Rosario vampire, black rock shooter, btoom!, dreameater merry, and sword art online. I recommend fantasy and fighting type genre
Yo peeps! :D

21st Knightmare @knightmare13
commented on
Yo peeps! :D
21st Knightmare @knightmare13
Nice to meet you. Welcome to MO!