You jelly?

tolstoy @tolstoy
You jelly?
tolstoy @tolstoy
Hey all of you, guess what? I'm going to live in Japan for 3 years. Guess what else I'm going to do? I'm going to get married to a Japanese bitch. We all know Japanese bitches fucking love Sailors. Are you all jealous? Jealous of my good looks? My good status in life? My well paying job? Guess what else? I'm a Hospital Fucking Corpsman. In the 2 years I've been a Hospital Corpsman I've accomplished more shit then all of you will ever wish to in your entire lives. How many of you have ever had bullets rain down on you after an IED blast fucks up your convoy, and your best friend is trapped inside the destroyed twisted metal burning to d eath screaming "DOC, DOC DOC PLEASE HELP ME DOC" and you can't do anything but watch and hear his last agonizing words are your name "DOC DOC DOC" . How many of you have given care under fire? How many of you have ever been shot at while trying to control a femoral artery wound? None of you have. That shit is real.
And now I'm going to your fabled land of fairy tales and superduperkawaiiii ^_^ bitches to shit on it. I'm going to shit all over Japan when I get there (Okay sorry not mainland Japan, Okinawa) but I'll still shit over it.
And I want you to know while I'm demolishing my new Asian wifes tight yellow pussy I am going to think of how much of a winner I am in life, and how you will never accomplish anything I have.
Also none of you will ever shit on Japan. I'm going to shit on Japan for 3 years. It's going to be awesome. Pics soon.

TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
commented on
You jelly?
TheOneWhoWishesToFly @theonewhowishestofly
So what exactly was the point of telling us all that?

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
You jelly?
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Yeah what a jacked up way of thinking. War does that to the weak minded. Few can go to war and come back without losing who they are. Once a solder loses their mind governments often abandon them even here in the US. War is not something not just any one can experience and adjust back to normal life. I respect your sacrifices I just hope you haven't given up more than you intended. I had a friend who became a marine. I would have joined him except I didn't have anything to fight for so I would have just gotten others killed.
Try to lose your mind I am sure you don't want to hurt others. Don't become damage goods be a solder if you love it but have integrity and respect for women and others.

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
You jelly?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
if that isnt a cry for help i dont know what is...
One must really lack confidence and self respect if one feels the need to act this way towards people one would never meet.
Hard to believe such pathetic lifeforms exist at all.

chipuplover @chipuplover
commented on
You jelly?
chipuplover @chipuplover
I've been to Japan twice already. so, no... I'm not jelly at all. :) And I have many good friends in the military, and just so you know, It's very disrespectful of you to post such negativity next to a photo of you in uniform, if that really is you in uniform. If not, impersonating a soldier is also a major disrespect. And again, if it is you, for real, and you are a soldier, just saying, it doesn't auomatically mean you have a better life than us. And for real... God... You're Navy... I just... lol. Maybe if you upgrade to Amry or Marines you can boast about how good you are.

Crobi @noire
commented on
You jelly?
Crobi @noire
While technically getting into the navy actually is an honor, since it's one of the hardest to get into, next to the Marines and Air Force... It still doesn't give this guy the right to do this. :\ Not jelly at all. Only 'cause it doesn't really matter to me. I'd like to go to Japan, sure, but at the same time, I'd love just as well to travel to other places. France is a good example, and Switzerland, because the both are French speaking countries, and I'd like to maintain my French, as well as learn new things. :3 So just 'cause you're going to Japan, doesn't mean everyone here is gonna be jealous. :D I mean, you're not paying for the trip, our government is, so yeah. If it's not money I earned, or that you earned, it doesn't matter :D
That's just my two cents!

L33K @l33k
commented on
You jelly?
L33K @l33k
Cool Story Bro...

lux7 @lux7
commented on
You jelly?
lux7 @lux7
Im not jelly at all. i already experience a lot more than more than most sailors or Marines. because i was stationed there. but yeah have fun out there and go to Tokyo and party it up. especially on New Years

fullmetallove @fullmetallove
commented on
You jelly?
fullmetallove @fullmetallove
What a loser! Hahahaha. I feel more sorry for your dying comrades than I do for you. I spent 5 years of my childhood growing up in Japan, and my little brother is an infantryman in the marine corps. Can't say I love Japanese any more than Americans but you can see how my view of their land's beauty and the appreciation I have for the military who have honor is much more appreciated in my eyes than your opinion will ever be.

zaftpunk @zaftpunk
commented on
You jelly?
zaftpunk @zaftpunk
Really? You're just a medic. It's a much need job in the military, but you really don't do shit. Especially since you're Navy. Anyway, go troll elsewhere. And be a man, go Infantry.
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