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Being friends with an ex?

Feb 18, 15 at 11:21am
I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your first ex... Hmm yeah, I bet my used to be close friend who is now my ex's new gf will get jealous/annoyed if I still constantly communicate with him. I know how it feels like when your bf is being taken away by some girl bec. back then I experienced it xD And yes, it would annoy me also. I guess I need like 1-2 years to have communication again with both my ex and his current gf. Ahh yeah xD They dont deserve to have a second chance from me xD
@Tsubaki Sounds to me like thats someone you dont really want to be close with again. In my opinion at least. Maybe give it more time before talking again. For me with my ex I didnt talk them for a year after our first break up. Mainly because I was bitter since they said they didnt think they loved me anymore and immediately went with someone else. But our last time breaking up it was mutual. Neither of us felt like it was working. They never found me attractive and I was to much in a emotional crisis over my parents passing. We were already living together and still best friends so it wasnt to bad. We never did much couple stuff anyways. Pretty much it depends on the whole situation Whether being friends with an ex works or not.
It can work. Never redate them though, that shit never works.
Feb 18, 15 at 12:25pm
Ahh yup, I don't want to be close with him for now. I hate how he brings up the past and blames me for his depression. I guess, only time would tell xD @Jikoshy: Yup, I wouldnt give him a chance anymore xD
I'm still friends with most of them, including the cheat. I find it quite normal, but none of them have been long term relationships, so it could be different for others.
Feb 18, 15 at 5:14pm
Hmmm.. I've learned the hard way, that they can cause you much trouble if they want, in very sneaky ways. So my way is to be nice, but never get too friendly or tell them too much about the things that are going on in your life.
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Feb 19, 15 at 12:42pm
It worked for awhile and always said we would stay best friends if we were to ever break up. However, little did I realize I would come to love him so much that I couldn't bear even facing him when he got a new girlfriend and now engaged. It just hurts too much to even think about.
Feb 26, 15 at 10:40am
Sigh* I'm sorry to hear that =_= Yes, it hurts that first ex is together now with one of my close friends. But yeah, I guess I'll do some soul searching before talking with him xD
I'm not saying it can't work, I just think it's best not to be so that both people can move one. No matter how a relationship ends, you still always share a bond with the person, no matter how faint. That could cause issues for either party, and hurt future relationships. Of course this is the opinion of one man over 6 billion people.
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