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Friend with benefits.. a good thing?

So, I met a gal who is an awesome friend. I mean, one that actually contacts me first just to see how I'm doing. She wants to take the relationship route slow.. er, but she also wants to cuddle at 4am. I'm pretty confused. I thought straight up girlfriends was the goal. I enjoy the heck out of her as a real friend and I certainty don't mind the cuddles. Is there anything wrong with leaving things as they are? I mean, taking it slow doesn't mean she'll never consider more. I kinda like what we have now. Just confused. Thoughts?
As long as you both clearly outline that it's FWB ONLY and nothing more comes from it, you both will be fine. I made the mistake of falling "in love" with the only one I had because I never did it before, and it wasn't really for me.
I agree with Jikoshy. Just be FWB, you wouldn't want it to get more than that if you're not interested in her. Plus if you do, she might get freaked out. I did the same thing as Jikoshy I fell in love with the only one I had and that scared her.
It's not for everyone, but, honestly, it's a pretty good deal you got there so long as you don't expect too much from the relationship. If I were you, I would enjoy the ride. But, then again, I'm not you and I don't really like "FWB" relationships. If you like the way you have it now, stick with that and just see what happens.
I think I'm gonna go with my general advice of Make sure you talk about what you two want as friends. My advice for you two would be to agree to being fwb, but say that you wouldn't mind your relationship growing into something more later on. A statement like that *seems* a bit wishy washy, but you don't wanna set concrete "If X event happens, we do Z" formulaic stuff. If your fwb is more sexual in nature though, well good luck in restraining your feelings, and same goes to her. This sorta relationship messes with your brain just a smidge (I'm no neurologist nor do I study human behavior that much, buuuuut) and both of your minds could get a bit clouded from the sheer enjoyment of it, so watch yourself! Just have fun, remind yourself and her that it could develop into something more *later on. Also, for funsies, I just so happened to find something on the net relating to this topic. XD http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FriendsWithBenefits
Feb 08, 15 at 1:26pm
Personally this kind of stuff makes me sick to my stomach. Not for me. But if your cool with it, go for it, I ain't gonna press my ideals on you.
Feb 08, 15 at 2:15pm
Thanks for the advice guys. Yeah №✘™. Even considering this is new to me. I guess the only reason I'm considering this is that she made it clear that she wants to go slow: not stop at this. So, if I lose I've still gotten to know a friend. If I win then I get a long term relationship with someone I consider a real friend.
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