What's your biggest fears?
applecaeks @applecaeks
What's your biggest fears?
applecaeks @applecaeks
Spiders crawling out all my orfices and explosives destroying the lower half of my body, and survive.
Your turn.
venuslovechain @venuslovechain
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What's your biggest fears?
venuslovechain @venuslovechain
P.s. this isn't a joke reply.
beavind @beavind
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What's your biggest fears?
beavind @beavind
Spiders are demons... o_o Also I'm scared of school :D
Amrod @amrodcalanor
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What's your biggest fears?
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Being stuck in a cave or something. Like pinned down.
Uhhh thats about it.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What's your biggest fears?
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Dying by anything related to fire(Mostly nuclear) Uhh, Hate flying, terrifies me. Use to have a phobia(Literally, shaking back and forth and everything) of storms but outgrew it.
Key @key17
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What's your biggest fears?
Key @key17
Don't want to sound full of myself or something, but I'm pretty sure the only fear I have is dying too soon.
Sai @sai_cx
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What's your biggest fears?
Sai @sai_cx
My biggest fear is the dark. I'm super afraid of the dark .-.
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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What's your biggest fears?
Hyera 혜라 @hyera
Worms, wild rats and small insects.
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
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What's your biggest fears?
(笑)anigamer99(笑) @anigamer1999
That I will achieve nothing in my life, leading a lonely life of solitude.
meister24 @meister24
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What's your biggest fears?
meister24 @meister24
Snakes. Not even images of them please. On the psychological front, failure is my biggest deterrent and fear.
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