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Does she like me & if so what should my next move be

Last week I was shopping at this local store. After I was done getting my groceries I proceeded to pay for my things. I looked and seen this pretty cashier girl. So I went to her and acted cool but then she was like "Hey how are you?" I said everything's alright. She then said do you remember me? I had no idea who she was so for a little bit, I asked where we first had met. She said back when we worked at that restaurant. I was shocked because we had only worked with each other twice and I barely look like myself when I was 16. So with this info do you think that she likes me? I mean why else would she remember a person that she only met twice and from such a long time ago? If she does like me what move should I make next?
There's some interest. Keep being friendly when you shop there.
Dude... She remembered a face. OMG!!! She must reallylike you... You're thinking to hard about this, just get to know her if you have an interest and take it from there.
@Yaashat lol yeah she did remember my face but she also said that she noticed me many times before and she remembered my name. Now that I think of it she said that she knows where I live and that we aren't to fare from one another.
That's a go. I repeat that's a go. Green lights. All clear. Seriously they are good signs. Heavenly signs. DIg deeper and find out.
@Jacksterboy haha XD very funny! Thank's i'll take ur words of wisdom and lift off to greatness, hopefully I don't get to close to the sun. Don't need my wings melting.
Hey, it's better being burnt than doing nothing at all. You never know
@Jacksterboy True
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