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This really Happened last night !!

My Girlfriend invited me to her house where I found her sister alone.So I sat their waiting for my girlfriend while her unbelievably sexy sister was sitting their with me.A few moments past,then she comes up next to me,and whispers in my ear (we should have sex before my sister comes home).I immediately got up and turned around to walk to my car.I found my girlfriend standing by the door,at which point she hugged me and said `You`ve won my trust Moral of the story:Always keep your condoms in your car
I'm not certain if I should believe this, It sounds completely weird, But the Killua in your pic makes me want to believe you, Plus its not completely ridiculous.... I'll just go with crisg...Cool story bro.
Huh... So she's into mind fucking? Sounds like a winner... True story or not... You're a fool.
So no sex happened?
Moral of the story seems more like they shouldn't actually trust you (or whoever originally wrote this story).
lol it is obvious you found that somewhere on the web, but its still a funny joke
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