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What are your Zodiacs

Jan 06, 15 at 4:53pm
Then I'm a golden eagle.
Jan 06, 15 at 4:58pm
Well now I want to be a Grandom. Or a holy vampire dragon
Considering I am a Pisces and a Sheep, it says I'm a Leafy Seadragon. Which is totes cool because those are my favorite!
Be whatever you wish grandom, Just don't steal my thing. Vampire half or no is my thing. * Sips blood*
Jan 06, 15 at 5:21pm
Hmm everyone here is all awesome animals and supernatural creatures while I'm in the corner like ouo~ fuzzy ferret blast
Jan 06, 15 at 5:22pm
Kk leo. Ill just be a holy dragon wizard
That'll work. After all everybody loves the half breed hunters the best *Puts on black leather overcoat and picks up twin pistols* Too much dmc, Now I'm acting like greatness that is our savior Dante.
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/292/a/5/a5ffdb1442a083739dd93aca5f16f331-d3146z7.jpg Looked up Leafy Seadragon and she popped up. Super pretty, Primal Zodiac cosplay? Also the Artist is Adele Lorienne...
Jan 06, 15 at 5:38pm
Lol I got honey badger. Time for a nostalgia attack. http://youtu.be/4r7wHMg5Yjg
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