What are your Zodiacs

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
What are your Zodiacs
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Check out your primal zodiacs up in the link. Yes this is basically me trying to start a conversation.
I am the Wolf. Combination of Tiger and Taurus (Yes even though my name is Leo it's not my zodiac)
So how about you all?

Aki-kun @czaranime
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What are your Zodiacs
Aki-kun @czaranime
leo, wolverine

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What are your Zodiacs
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
I see interesting. Very interesting.....(Goes to check out what the wolverine is like)
Well at least you have super regeneration and claws.

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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What are your Zodiacs
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
Apparently, a pufferfish...

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What are your Zodiacs
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Hahaha, I'll check it out, Personally the Wolf describes my exterior personality on the spot. Does yours have similarities with you Ichi?

Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
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What are your Zodiacs
Ichirai_Shonin @ichirai_shonin
"The Pufferfish is largely misunderstood. That goes for the animal as well as the Primal Zodiac sign. Often seen as dangerous and unpredictable, Pufferfish really just want to be left alone by people (or fish) that they don’t know. That’s not to say that members of this sign are not social. In fact, they strongly prefer being with friends and family over being alone. It’s just that they like things they way they expect them to be, and new people or places disrupt that aspect of their personality.
Members of this sign are intelligent, insightful, kind, helpful, and well-liked. They can easily be taken advantage of though, and they tend to go along with any plan as long as they believe they are doing good. The only time they become truly dangerous, though, is when they realize they have been pushed too far. As with their animal namesake, those who try to take advantage of a Pufferfish will end up taking in much more pain than they anticipated.
The mind of a Pufferfish is always full of ideas. Many members of this sign are honest to goodness geniuses, which can be both a blessing and a curse. With the proper outlet, they can make brilliant strides in art, music, science, medicine, engineering, or whatever they put their overactive minds into. Without some practicality around them to even them out, however, Pufferfish can become the figurative ‘mad scientist’ of the Primal Zodiac, obsessing over esoteric projects of their own design."
Hmmm, somewhat similar I guess. The taking advantage thing is off, takes a lot to control me! Some have even tried to use Attack Summons to control my body, but they failed miserably.
But "Members of this sign are intelligent, insightful, kind, helpful, and well-liked" I believe is pretty spot-on, or so that's how others think.

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What are your Zodiacs
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Let's see here.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Wolf are passionate, determined, and never back down from a fight. Though generally mild mannered and even easy-going (when things are going their way), members of this sign are very protective of themselves and the ones they love, and will not let anyone intimidate or coerce them. They are generous, warm-hearted, and perhaps a bit stubborn. Though they hold their friends and family very dear, Wolves also have an independent nature that compels them to seek their own path in life.
Wolves simultaneously seek security and adventure - two things that don’t tend to coexist very well. That said, their determination to live their lives exactly how they desire makes having both a possibility. They simply don’t accept limitations when it comes to something they are passionate about and would rather fight than run from a challenge.
As strong as they seem, those born under this sign are easily hurt emotionally. They secretly care deeply about how others perceive them and can be sensitive to even the smallest insult. Should they have a falling out with someone, they will most likely need time alone to let the wound heal. Wolves like to believe that everyone respects them as much as they want to be respected and can’t stand to be derided or treated poorly by anyone.
Wolves are family-oriented, but that’s not limited to blood relatives. To them, family includes old and dear friends as well. Loyalty is of great importance to a Wolf, and they will never turn their back on family. Members of this sign tend to keep a tight-knit group of friends and don’t hesitate to spoil them all when given the chance. Though they are level-headed with money, those born under the sign of the Wolf love to spend money on big parties and extravagant vacations, and if they can afford it, take those they are close to along for the adventure with them.
Though they may have a tough exterior, Wolves are suckers for love. They are naturally passionate and romantic individuals who seek to enjoy all that life has to offer. Members of this sign have a tendency to overindulge in the things they enjoy, and love is no exception. Wolves have to be careful not to lose themselves in their relationships, as doing so has a tendency to backfire and cause problems and resentment. Those who master moderation can do well with many types of partners; the only real requirement for long-lasting success is to have a partner who believes in them and their dreams.
Sounds about right in most area's. Especially about never backing down from a fight, And not accepting limitations.
Your a genius huh? No wonder why I liked you hahaha

Grandom @grandom
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What are your Zodiacs
Grandom @grandom
I'm a Libra and dragon so all together I got porcupine

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
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What are your Zodiacs
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
Scorpio + rabbit =koala

Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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What are your Zodiacs
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Ha another one of my friends is a koala. Cool.
I'll check it out grandom.
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