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Ever been in love?

Have you guys ever been in love? I'd like to know, also, I'd like to bathe in a pool of your tears. Obviously, you can't really say definitely, since love's a concept, but I mean have you had the feeling you were in "love?" If so, why'd you think he/she was "it?" And why didn't it work out? With me, I think I may have been. She was my High School sweetheart. We were very close, she'd come over and we'd watch films together. I was even more excited because she was a virgin, and well, in my school, there weren't to many of those around. The farthest I ever went with her was making out; I wanted her to feel special. Call me old-fashioned, but I wanted to do her at the drive-in theatre. (lmao, jk.) Anyway I think it didn't work out because her dad was a jerk. My principal called him a week or so before prom and told him that I was a bad guy. Supposedly said "If I were you, I rather cuff my daughter to her bed than let her go to prom with him." Her father also gave her a black eye very early on after finding out about our relationship. I think I loved her because I wanted to be an attorney for her, and I stuck with that career path even though it's a pain. Also, I haven't thought seriously about dating another girl after. Trust issues insued. I started to listen to Frank Sinatra, plenty of the blues, etc. So, anyone else ever get the love bug?
Jan 06, 15 at 12:56am
Yes, I feel in love with a girl way back in high school. She came out publicly as a lesbian right before I confessed to her. All these years later I still occasionally have dreams about her :/
Dang, that stinks.. but you're saying you never told her because of the incident?
Jan 06, 15 at 1:28am
Yes, I love my waifu.
Things just don't work out man but you'll always have anime.
I'm ready to give up finding my otaku waifu
Bathing in tears? But they're salty...
Hmmm I'm not certain if it was love, Since I always want to help people as much as I can and put others first. Though I guess I did since I literally trusted her over my own instincts(Never made that mistake again) and treated her like an delicate angel. I always excited or happy around her, always wanting to talk and such. But then she was only using me, Lied to my friends about me and screwed over my life at that moment for an entire week. I know one thing bro, I'm not sure if I know what love is, But I do know what Hate is. I was drowned in despair for a week or so and then just sad for another couple, Then my sadness started turning into anger. I guess its what kick started my tendency to force myself to be angry instead of let myself be sad. I'm also happy that it happened to me because I would have never found one of my favorite softer bands, with this song. http://youtu.be/dzS4OJP-YMk Though I got over it, It took a good few months before I was back to complete tip top happy vampire shape. It also helped me mature, So I rather it have ended it that way now, Even though that was the only time in my life I thought about suicide( I was 14 give me a break), Though it helped mold my morals and thoughts and I came out a better person because of it. Now when I think about I'm actually a little amused at how much it shaped me if anything. I feel nothingness towards her now as well.
never, I've loved my dog more than any girl I've ever met? and not in a bestiality way, he is just the homie is that bad?
Jan 06, 15 at 5:45pm
@crimsonsun2xseries Yeah, I never told her. She still thinks we were just good friends. I like to think that I dodged a bullet there. I always wondered why all the guys at school fawned over her but she never went out with anybody.
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