Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali

Sparkz @sparkz
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
Sparkz @sparkz
:) The title says it all, I want to find a person who lives fairly close, I need some more con buddies! :D

quirkybubble @quirkybubble
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
quirkybubble @quirkybubble
I live in Northern Cali :). During the week I'm in Sacramento and the weekend I'm in the Bay Area

rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
rollingboy64 @rollingboy64
I'm in the central valley and bay area. Add me on Skype if you want. Sype ID: atouchofgrey6457

Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
Unworthy piece of shit @furfaggot
This account has been suspended.

genuinelygia @genuinelygia
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
genuinelygia @genuinelygia
I'm from the Bay Area too!~ I'll be at Fanime and Sacanime in the summer. Let me know if you want to hang out! ^^

neeto @neet_one
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
neeto @neet_one
To bad I'm stuck down here in southern Cali.

Afomaru @afomaru
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
Afomaru @afomaru
Same here Neet.

brandojb @brandojb
commented on
Need new friends to geek out with In Northern Cali
brandojb @brandojb
Month late but northern Cali, Sac here. More specifically Citrus heights, skype is docterxpwn
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