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Gonna Marry That Girl

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Nope, If you're going to be with a girl you're going to be with her. A ring and a contract shouldnt change anything. So why is it that when people get married problems start to come up. Even when you've been with the person for 5-6 years. Not interested.
Jan 04, 15 at 10:33pm
Marriage is indeed a contract, or a business partnership, depending on how you look at it. I'm not opposed to it, but have never been close. Rings and contracts do serve a purpose Jean, if they didn't then gay marriage wouldn't be a big deal. Being married grants visitation rights, rights to inheritance, as well as financial obligations.
Jan 05, 15 at 6:22am
Still, it's a step I'm willing to take. Just gotta make sure everything stays the same afterwards.
Jan 05, 15 at 6:32am
Is this named after that god awful song "Rude"? Yes, I do.
^^ lmao. It's not THAT awful, albeit, it's still pretty bad. & As to your question, captain hook, I think marriage sounds like a good idea in concept, in practice, maybe not so much? There's no difference really from an unmarried couple and a married one, except legal considerations and possible pressure now to live up to certain societal expectations. That being said, I've yet to know if I plan to marry. Probably not, there's a chance.
Planning on getting married...Later, like give me half a decade and I'll be ready for it. So indeed I do 'Believe in Marriage'.
I'm waiting for gay marriage to be legal. Then Marriage will be important to me. It would suck to have a wonderful girl and not be able to put her in a dress or suit she wants and exchange vows. I mean if I died she wouldn't be able to have anything of mine legally. And I want her to have all. I also kind of like the song...
Jan 08, 15 at 6:59pm
I'm not looking forward to it because I don't want to wear a ring. I'm never in a situation where a woman hits on me so I don't need one.
Jan 08, 15 at 7:46pm
marriage is pretty much just a legal contract, and one which -largely- favors women. Like Jean Rivera said, you don't need a contract and a ring to prove you love someone, and it don't even really mean much when half the marriages in this country end in divorce anyway. That said, if I truly trusted someone I'd be willing to take that risk and enter into said contract for their benefit. I know it's a big deal to a lot of women and I wouldn't want to deprive my girl of what she wants, even if that means dropping a fortune on a big fancy wedding. It really don't make much sense from a logical perspective or even from a male point of view, but again I just see it as being more for their sake.
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