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What do girls REALLY want?

well alot of anime arent included in this site :)
Really? I've only had that problem for Loveless so far. You know, you could try watching a reverse harem anime for what girls want ^ ^; I'm sure those idealised versions of boys cover all the bases.
Few are missing. The newer ones at least. GIRLS WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS THAT THEY WANT. BOOM MIND BLOWN. The minute you get that girls dont know what they want. Your life will be much easier. Same goes for guys. We dont know what the hell we want ;D
Jan 14, 15 at 9:41pm
Lol why is it that only like one or two girls answered this question? Personally, I like guys who are cute and funny. I also appreciate guys who are honest and sincere. I'm not an expert on relationships (I've only been in one), but one thing I hate is when a guy only wants sex. In my first and only relationship, the guy I went with was only interested in sex. We would text a lot and he would ask me all the time for sex. Then he dumped me in less than a week (we were friends before we went out) because I wouldn't. It really hurt my ego and self confidence. He made me feel really bad. Anyway, I'm slowly little by little gaining my confidence back. I Usually don't let other people get me that down but That guy was the first guy I ever opened up my heart to and became vulnerable in front of which is really serious thing for me because I keep walls up a lot.
I honestly dont want anything? Im fine with my cats and inanimate objects Personally I don't care for relationships, thought Ive never been in one In all honesty I always think that it's going to end up like my parents, horrendously divorced
Yo, I'll tell you what I want. What I really, REALLY want. http://www.aux.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/zigazigahgif.gif
Firstly, I only read the OP-post and then made this, I havn't read any of the other messages. Secondly, It isn't "what women want". Thats a generalization, not every girl wants what other girls want. Some girls want sex with romance, some want only romance, some want only sex. You need to ask them what they want before proclaiming what you are offering and what you want. If you want sex, find a girl who wants sex. If you want romance, find a girl who's looking for romance. Both, look for one looking for both. In general both genders want sex, there is no "One wants it more than the other" because it's on an individual scale. So, OP, it isnt a question of "What women really want". It's "What do YOU REALLY want" and then find someone who wants it. Don't change yourself, be honest with yourself and find a match.
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Sometimes I think boys and girls both want unicorns. We have heard from plenty of the boys....hey girls? ;P
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