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16 year old boy looking for a girlfriend

It looks like there might be some people in KY around your age. I'd use the search feature. Also, pay attention to the "last online" date to make sure they actually still visit this place.
^idem. Just gonna that it's actually easier to find people if you take the first step yourself. . Don't be close minded and talk to many peeps. You never know who's gonna answer. . Don't worry, there are no ropes when it comes to relationships, no matter how easy it seems for some people to get them, true relationships are all different. . Fetishes... Why did you mention any of that? Now, I don't know other people but for me that's weird. You don't start a conversation with someone by telling people you like to lick feet do you? (It's just an example, don't take it to heart) That and plenty of other stuff I'm sure you've heard already. Good luck!
Well, masterwolf144, first of all rule number one in getting a girl is; confidence. Now, haven't we all heard the myth of "girls like bad guys" well it's not entirely true, girls like confident guys (ofc i talk for most cases and there are more than likely to be exceptions, but this is what I've observed. Your first mistake; this post...it makes you seem desperate. And even if you are, you shouldn't show it. Your second mistake; girls are people to, and you say you hate being "friendzoned"... but at some point you may learn that friendship is sometimes if not often more rewarding than a romantic relationship. Now what I'm trying to say is; don't view females as dating candidates, but as people, talk to them as if they were guys... aka; with no hidden intentions. your third mistake; why in the stars did you put your fetishes? it's completely unrelated and honestly creepy, tell that to a girl and before you know it she will be all the way to china running from you. Before you get to that aspect of a relationship(especially at your age) you need to create 'intimacy' she needs to be comfortable with you, and trust you enough that such subjects won't come out as gross. And before you start talking about fetishes with your girl it's best you get to know each other in bed; learn what she likes, what you like... She isn't there to please you, it has to be a mutual thing. Finally, my advice would be talk to people, girls and boy's alike, but most of all; get some self- confidence, do stuff you like, learn to love yourself. to have a successful relationship you need to be comfortable with who you are. like @Key said; Don't be afraid to take the first step; worst thing that can happen is you won't get a reply or you will get shot down, It's hardly a big deal if it's someone you've never met right? And in the best case you might meet someone wonderful! At your age I was also desperate to be in a relationship, and I ran at the first person who would take me... and it ended up horribly. These aren't thing's you should rush, even if it seems like the world to you now, everything has it's time. When you find someone you truly like; and not because they are pretty, not because you are lonely... Then you should go ahead. Don't fall in love with the idea of love. And you will find someone, when the time is right. Also don't view rejection or break ups as a failure, but as a lesson. If that person doesn't like you there's nothing you can do about it, it's not about you, it's about them, and if you're not what they want you can't do anything about that. Each experience will teach you more about yourself; what you need and what you're looking for. There, I hope I didn't sound to harsh, I mean no harm but those are things you should know. Good luck!
Theres never anyone in the Florida area lol Good luck finding what you're looking for bro :D
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