What's the story of your first anime?

amaimai @amaimai
What's the story of your first anime?
amaimai @amaimai
What's the story of your first anime? Like who got you to watch it? Which series and stuff ^^ just curious ^3^

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
What's the story of your first anime?
rangerchives @rangerchives
Well, my first anime was dbz, but I can't remember who got me into it. If you want ot discount that, then my first wasn't until after highschool. It was neptunia the animation, and a good friend I had in high school got me to watch it.

kc_watz @kc_watz
commented on
What's the story of your first anime?
kc_watz @kc_watz
Toonami- death note and code grass and all those shows did it for me!
The rest is history ~

starplatinum @starplatinum
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What's the story of your first anime?
starplatinum @starplatinum
Serial experiments Lain on the old Tech TV

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What's the story of your first anime?
neeto @neet_one
It was on tv, I was young, thought it was interesting, that's about it.

Bleh @ryuunope
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What's the story of your first anime?
Bleh @ryuunope
Hmm, must've been about 8-10 years old, I would sneak on Adult Swim (hehehehehe) and watch Inuyasha. Can hardly remember what it was about though.

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
What's the story of your first anime?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
dbz was first, dbz4 life
but naruto started everything really

aangel @aangel
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What's the story of your first anime?
aangel @aangel
5 years ago,i saw a scene with a orange haired dude with a badass sword,i got addicted asap,and then i drown into the world of anime,so my first one was Bleach,and after watching more than 90 anime ,its still on the top

Keanne @keanako
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What's the story of your first anime?
Keanne @keanako
About 11 years ago my cousins are into watching dbz and i was curious since they always go berserk by powering up and shouting XD

jas @jas
commented on
What's the story of your first anime?
jas @jas
I think my local video rental store had Project A-ko for some reason. Totally the wrong anime to start with as it had a huge amount of in-jokes. Pretty close to that time I saw Akira at my high school and was hooked after that.
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