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Is cheating acceptable?

^Following his logic, I'd be single forever ;)
Nov 15, 15 at 7:23pm
You would have a slave though Or a bunch
Nov 15, 15 at 8:12pm
Cheating is not honorable.
Nov 18, 15 at 6:28am
Why would people cheat on the one's they love? O.o If it's school I guess people cheat to pass their course... but in love, why? Do they get some profit from it??? :/
@Enelez some people make the mistake of doing it once in spite an due to not being caught the act gets easier and easier. I guess some people just see the one thing they lack emotionally/physically and go find it somewhere else to get it. Conscience aside, I feel that sometimes cheating happens due to uncontrolled desires acted upon without self control.
people cheat for a motive nowadays, its just horrible and well just plain wrong....
People can cheat for the most unimaginable reasons. Even though, whatever the reason it is disgusting and should never be done.
I cheat all the time, Heck if you cant beat em, join em! huehehehehe *Sarcasm*
Nov 18, 15 at 4:53pm
@goku, it's not a mistake... people have a choice and they are responsible of their actions... If they did this, or if they did that because they lacked of something then why did that person have to be with their partners? If you cheated wouldn't it best to tell the truth so that no one could get hurt more even though the deed was done? At least they won't have a burden carrying around...:/
@Enelez, you are right about people being responsible for their actions. But you don't have to be in love to be in a relationship. It's the same connection with you don't have to cheat for a valid reason. I only speak from experience on this because the one I was in a relationship decided to cheat only out of heat in the moment and the guy was there and I wasn't. She came to me and confessed, we didn't have any prior problems, she did love me but she acted on a promiscuity trait she used to always act on. It not always the case for everybody, and I did leave her, but all the reason I could see there was that she was immature and couldn't control herself. Oh well I'm better off now anyway :).
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