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Is cheating acceptable?

@LaughingMan_dD -You make a valid point. There are other factors that go into learning a field. However knowledge is a big one. My friend happened to go to college for electrical engineering and i have seen some of the math problems he has had. Needless to say math is not a strong subject for me. So if i cheated on my S.A.Ts and took his field i would be in a huge amount of trouble. The college would be able to see my actual faults instead of what a paper said i knew. And i do feel ethics and morals have a positive effect on industries and the world. I'm sure everyone has seen the way the world is, Companies screwing over their employees to line their own pockets, Scam artist preying on people, People walking into places and shooting many innocent people, lying, cheating, and stealing are acceptable. Unless you lie, cheat, or steal from them then it not right, its so hypocritical to thinks its ok to do wrong unless it effects yourself. I grew up in a different generation than most people on here. And got to say i very appalled by what i am seeing. But i cant tell people how to live, that is something that they alone need to decide. All i can do is guide them in the right direction. Sorry for the rant =P
May 29, 15 at 1:26pm
I don't think I want a pharmacist who cheated to pass their NAPLEX or a nurse for NCLEX.... Probably not a doctor who cheated on their USMLE but that one's a bit harder to cheat on with the clinical assessment and all but still
May 29, 15 at 1:31pm
obviously nobody would prefer a professional that cheated in their field, but realistically people in the professional fields (myself included, studying pharmacy) are expected to know so much in such little time and we pay thousands of dollars to receive an education.
May 29, 15 at 1:51pm
See I think that's even more incentive to not cheat. When pharmacists make mistakes, it can lead to horribly negative outcomes. I think we owe it to all our future patients to do our utmost to make sure that whatever I fill for a patient is the correct medication, correct dosage, will not negatively interact with their current mediation regime, and that I've explained to them exactly what they can or cannot do to take that medication, so on and so forth. And if I know what I'm talking about, then a test shouldn't be something that I'll have to cheat on to pass. Disclosure: Also a pharmacy student, from a family of pharmacists because nepotism lol
May 29, 15 at 1:55pm
Then again, most of the ones who cheat on regular exams are the ones who fail naplex, just like all the ones who cheat in the undergrad class score super shitty on the PCAT lol
Is not acceptable. The end.
May 29, 15 at 2:29pm
Just don't. It only leads to more problems for everyone down the road.
This shouldn't even be a question.
=D im glad to see my point got across to people.
Never. I do not care whether the relationship is "loveless" or has "ran it course". If you feel so terrible about the relationship then break ties and continue on. People who cheat are selfish and inconsiderate of their partner's feelings. It will cause long-term trust issues within people that extend past the relationship and into others. I'm usually a very understanding person and try to see what people are going through and why they made the decisions that they did but when it comes to cheating you already have a tally against you in my book.
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