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Is cheating acceptable?

May 28, 15 at 12:15pm
Nope,its not acceptabled under any circumstances. I know a few people who think they're not in the wrong simply because they were drunk or something along those lines. Its still cheating lol.
Cheating in any form is unacceptable. Lets get down to the real issue of cheating. Cheating is a selfish act when you cheat you are totally disregarding the feelings of your partner for your own personal wants. Relationships are built on trust and understanding each other and if one partner breaks that trust you may never get that back. People that get drunk and cheat have no excuse, yes alcohol effect you judgement however you have the ability to make rational decisions before hand. Make sure a friend watches you at a party to make sure you don't do anything. Only drink a bit and go home, or just not go. I have been majorly drunk before at parties and never even consider cheating. Revenge cheating is also uncalled for, If your partner cheats on you its easy to fix leave them. Why drop down to their level? By doing so your just showing other potential relationships that you are untrustworthy.
One things is for sure: If someone cheats, there is a reason behind it. Maybe this person is simply not satisfied, some people need the variety, others simply seek for attention. There are infinte possiblilities for human actions. Calling it"selfish" or "totally disregarding the feelings of your partner" is almost ridiculously naive. Of course its not a nice thing to do, but think twice, why it happens that often. and if you get cheated on, think twice why it happened to YOU, too.
@Jethex ~ LOL if your not satisfied leave them, its as simple as that. There are many other options to choose, find someone that allows open relationships, one-night-stands, ect. There is no excuse to do the wrong thing. self·ish-lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. That is what cheating is all about. Dont give me bullshit that your thinking of others when you cheat. If cheating on them them is thinking of them and their feelings. why not tell them you cheated and see what happens. The reason people keep it a secret is they know its wrong and will end badly if their partner found out.
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LOL i would have to say no to that also. What your doing is misrepresenting yourself. You showing you have knowledge you do not possess. Which is the same thing as lying, And again can lead to issues later. Lets say i take S.A.T and cheat on it. Since i got a high score i join a college for lets just say electrical engineering. Once i get to college ill realize i cant keep up with the others that actually had the knowledge from studying. And most likely the outcome will result in dropping out of college and owing a huge school bill.
May 28, 15 at 11:50pm
party pooper ^
May 29, 15 at 1:24am
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