Another Digital Portrait
jas @jas
Another Digital Portrait
jas @jas
Key @key17
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Another Digital Portrait
Key @key17
How do you make those? Do you digitalize the whole picture or do you go pixel by pixel?
jas @jas
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Another Digital Portrait
jas @jas
I use the original picture as a guide and then manually draw over it. I then double the width. So, the drawing starts at 48x96 pixels but ends up 96x96
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Another Digital Portrait
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
That's really cool. I've been wanting to try out some pixel art myself... Looked up a few tutorials... Now the question is whether or not I will truly have the patience to sit down and try it.
jas @jas
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Another Digital Portrait
jas @jas
It's pretty easy. Just start doodling with MSPAINT.EXE Practice and stuff :)
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Another Digital Portrait
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
I have a mac and I don't think MS Paint works for macs, does it? I have a couple other programs that should work for pixel art either way.
jas @jas
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Another Digital Portrait
jas @jas
Yup. My first computer was a PC so that's what I use. This is kinda similar (but it sounds like you got that covered)
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
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Another Digital Portrait
ladysweetnightmare @ladysweetnightmare
Oh, I've heard of that one. I can't remember if I tried it out or not when I was looking for different programs to use, but I will give it a shot. Thank you!
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