Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?

Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Any Sonic fans here? Also which games do you prefer, modern or classic?

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Cllassic all the way. Everything from sonic 1 (never played the arcade game, looks pretty hectic. XD) to sonic adventure 2 and sonic advance. Thats about where i stopped. As for the cartoon, definetely a satam but also enjoy the weird humor of adventures. Underground is a mixed bag for me but having done research on why sonic was in a rock band and how ben hurst originally wanted to continue satam and was forced to reboot it instead by corporate scumbags who wanted to make money off songs and record deals, i can totally understand. There is no excuse for sonic boom. They had a chance to bring back satam and they missed it. The ova i actually love alot. When i was a kid, i couldnt afford the comics and a local giant eagle had a video rental store that had satam, adventures, and the movie on vhs. Needless to say i spent alot of weekends and summer vacations renting the videos over and over again. It wasnt until last year that i managed to get around to reading a good chunk of the comics and i relized how different they were to the cartoons canon. Not crazy about the comics but hey its archie. Theres limits to what they can do in a kids comic. Whats really mindblowing was that in End Game, sally was supposed to die, no weird mind control bull. Becuase sega asked archie not to kill off sally, they had to make last minute changes to the story so the whole arc felt anticlimatic. I always hate when people put the comic and satam in the same category. Its really two completely different beasts. Satam will forever hold a special place in my heart and i pray to god someday it continues where ben's story left off. I cant think of a better way to honor his memory. The only inconsistancies that occured in season 2 werent his choice, be it the filler episodes or dulcy. Those were decisions made by abc. They also cancelled the series before any actual character developement. It drives me crazy. This is on par with the original star wars trilogy and blade runner. It needs to be expanded upon by people who are competent at writting and directing. When i found out robotnik's name was eggman it didnt bother me in adventure, it more or less sounded like sonic making fun of him like calling him butt brain in the cartoon. But when 4kids made it canon (i know eggman was his name in japan, hell sonic 2 was made in the usa but had eggman on his planes) i wasnt used to it. It felt weird. The repeated theme playing in the background of every other scene was annoying, the plot followed the dreamcast games but to be honest the games did it better. Sonic adventure 2 was DARK. The anime let alone 4kids dub couldnt pull it off. Im sorry im not a sonic x fan. I know its sacrilegious on an otaku site to say that, i just cant stand it. To me, sonic ova felt more like sonic. Even the music in that was catchy as hell. Also i prefer both japan and american versions of sonic cd since both have alot of good music. Also i like the saturn port of sonic 3d blast for its unique soundtrack. Now there is a sort of sequel to satam in the form of an online comic called season 3. Ive read all of it sofar and i gotta say i like it. The creators even said they were working on the animation for it but much like the flash animators for sonic volumes its been on hiatus since the release of sonic boom. Why? I have no clue. I mean they have a new artist for the seaso 3 comic (not crazy about him but whatever) so i dont know what the hold up is. The season 3 comic is really good though storywise.

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
rangerchives @rangerchives
I love sonic the hedgehog. I prefer the classic series, although those games were before my time.

frotix @frotix
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
frotix @frotix
Have been huge sonic fan.
Not as much anymore now, but i still enjoy the games ^^
Sonic adventure battle 2 was my favorite, so i would prefer the modern sonic with the homing dash.

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717

Killing_April @killing_april
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
Killing_April @killing_april
Oh yes, massive sonic fan! loved the megadrive and mega-cd games,then sonic adventure on dreamcast, I have loads of sonic plushies lol my very old sonic teddy which I still take to bed with me from when I was 6, iv sewn his arms and legs back on many times ^_^ then I have the very first sonic the comic fleet way comic and sadly the very last, I also have the Archie comics, loved the first sat morning cartoons and then when it was with sally acorn, and then sonic underground which I still watch lol......I remember when I was 12 saving my pocket money for weeks to buy the VHS Sonic the movie. I'm hoping to do a amy rose cosplay some time in the future.......Almost forgetting the Crush 40 songs.....I love sonic music.

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
rangerchives @rangerchives
Well, thanks to the release of the sonic boom games, sonic is going on a decline.

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.

rangerchives @rangerchives
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
rangerchives @rangerchives
the only reason i play sonic 06 is to see how badly i can break the game

jas @jas
commented on
Sonic the Hedgehog anyone?
jas @jas
I just remember beating the very first level blindfolded. Didn't work for the second :)
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