Bad Break Up.

oxac3xo @oxac3xo
Bad Break Up.
oxac3xo @oxac3xo
Well in all honesty the reason I came back to this site was to find someone to date. I just recently had a bad break up. She was perfect in every way to me and she told me she loved me we would discuss our futures together and how we would get married and what not. But it went bad all of a sudden. After a day at the fair she later texted me thousands of excuses and trying to find ways to break up with me after seeing her ex at the fair. Later on I found out the hard way she was now dating her best friend after telling me she would never again much to my dismay. I'm not going to lie I cried and wouldn't leave my room for two weeks. Even trying my best to hide it from my sisters who were her friends. Now I can't really find anyone interested in me or anyone who will even glance my way and it hurts a lot she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't help but feel like I will live in single from now on.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Bad Break Up.
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Shit happens, it's life.
She wasn't worth it, so put on your big boy pants and move forward. Is it tough? Yeah, it's really tough, but you done your crying and it's time to get past it. There will be better out there, good sir.

mrindifferent @mrindifferent
commented on
Bad Break Up.
mrindifferent @mrindifferent
You could say its breaking bad.

Key @key17
commented on
Bad Break Up.
Key @key17
^Damn! Good one lol. But don't rub TOO much salt on the poor guy.

oxac3xo @oxac3xo
commented on
Bad Break Up.
oxac3xo @oxac3xo
No it's fine it was funny but in all seriousness I didn't see the break up coming.

chinamini @chinamini
commented on
Bad Break Up.
chinamini @chinamini
I have a similar history.
But as virtual girl, of couse, I was the one that doesn't matter.
It was so hard. I felt the wrong one.
Afterall I was not real.
I know how it hurts.
Don't suffer alone. You can do it.
I even into public orgy in metaverses to cleanup my scars.
I got hurt some other times there. But I gave to someone else.
And this matters.
Someone need to take the energy the other one don't accept anymore.
Clean the past.
So go for sex virtually on second life. is fun and you will forget her. Just try be sure she is not behind the avatar.
Also. Is the best place for you don't get Aids or Ebola doing sex to forget that girl.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
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Bad Break Up.
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
My opinion is believe in love is a mistake. There is no love, only a bunch of fantasy made by people. The only real love happen only in Anime and drama.

Key @key17
commented on
Bad Break Up.
Key @key17
:O Wow I didn't think I'd hear something like that from you Af.

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
commented on
Bad Break Up.
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
@key, a common knowledge to separate fantasy and real life. A man made genre to imprint real love to get the reader attention. Our cycle is repetitive that we want to engage in fantasy but in the end, we need to wake up and face the truth.

jas @jas
commented on
Bad Break Up.
jas @jas
Being the rebound guy sucks. The hard truth is that someone so selfish did not deserve your attention. Stay awesome and caring. You're worth it. Heal thyself and move forward.
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