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What does a guy want in a girl?

Damn, man. There's nothing more attractive than a woman who just took a bath in week old McDonald's frier grease. Your loss.
Lets not get going by looks confused with being concerned about anothers hygiene. As for man going by looks or women for that matter have to say we all go by looks to some extent, pointing blame at somebody for being shallow and inconsiderate towards you or demonizing the aspect of physical attraction is not going to help the matter.
Lol let's face it. Society pins that all men are visual and for the most part that's true. So when you put it in that aspect, many women will imply that men are only going to like her visually. Men who really do go by personality is a huge substandard in society. I'm not saying all women or men are but, both sides become rather shallow when you already assume one side will go by appearance and then you assume you can be half-assed towards the matter.
Well from multiple studies, it does ring true that males look at appearance more often then not. However, based on this study taken specifically http://scienceblog.com/72137/the-real-difference-between-how-men-and-women-choose-their-partners/#fxeGx71JuU0JEtit.97 Females are more prone to go by ambition and earning potential. Now you could go and say one is more shallow then the other but honestly its not. Guess which ones are shared equally amongst both genders. Intelligence and Kindness are both equally sought after traits. Some people can be more strict with their preferences yes but for the most part its just a evolutionary effect that plays on what we are looking for. That does not excuse it from being bias in the way we look at finding somebody. However its not split out in one side being more shallow then the other either.
I think that the way a girl looks does influence a guys choice on whether or not the like that person. But I think someone personality should be a main factor
Different people have different interests. I don't think it's possible to list everything a guy wants however, I believe in the theory of opposites. I'm quite a shy guy and would prefer a more outgoing girl to make up for what I lack.
Sometime girls think of us a horny dog. Sure every guy is horny but that doesn't mean we care only for appearance. Like I said In my previous comment, we each will turn old rather you like it or don't.
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