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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Thanks for the request

sedanonymous @sedanonymous
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sedanonymous @sedanonymous
This account has been suspended.

sakra14 @sakra14
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sakra14 @sakra14
Hellu ^ ^_^
New Here?

anes15 @anes15
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New Here?
anes15 @anes15
Hello fellow human
New Here?

anes15 @anes15
New Here?
anes15 @anes15
So I'm technically not new here because I was on this site 5 years ago. Although I thought I should reintroduce myself because it's been a while.
Hello, I'm go by Anes or Aly. I'm currently getting back into anime. I'm watching fire force, fruit baskets and bleach right now. I like to draw, bake , or play video games in my free time. I'm a leo but extremely introverted and shy. But I love deep conversations about literally anything.
Thanks for reading :3