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What does a guy want in a girl?

haha @yoite: thats a good idea
Hmm good question. I'm not picky, But things that always stood out for me was kindness the most. I also like honesty and a little silliness I guess. But All I really want is kindness and I'll be happy.
I hate it when guys say they're not picky. It make you sound like you would take anybody and you're desperate (Not saying YOU personally are, saying in general). People need to have standards. Don't lower them for ANYBODY.
@jikoshy I can see where your coming from.
You know, I come off as a dick in most of the threads I post in, but the thing is I'm always honest in every single one of them. Yes, I may troll, but there is still truth behind what I say. People may not always agree with me oor what I have to say, and that's fine, and if I offend somebody, it's probably because they don't like hearing the reality of things. Not trying to derail this with this, but I want to make all you people who don't know me, know who I am.
@jikoshy no offence but I always thought you were just a really angry otaku
Nope, far from otaku, actually. I'm not angry either, just straightforward. My philosophy is that if you're honest, no matter how much it may hurt at the time, it will hurt far less now than later when you realize it was all a lie. Never sugar coat the truth. People have a right to know exactly what is going on, and if you sugar coat or beat around the bush, you're no better than lying to them. So yes, it may appear like I'm angry, but it's quite the opposite. I'm actually trying to help.
And know who Kc is!!! Lol I think guys say "looks don't matter to me" to appear less shallow, they know damn well it does. No matter what pretty words are strung together, its all hypocrisy. Saying nice things to make yourself fell better. *ahem* moral of the story, its okay to be shallow to a point, everyone should be a bit picky :P
Ah alright, I always believe that honesty is the policy. Glad to know they're people out there with good morals
The philosophy came from an extremely bad relationship I was in, mostly my fault, because I would lie to try and keep things calm, which would blow up in my face later. I don't want to go back to that, so I use it in everything. I know people don't like me for it, but hey, that's not my issue. Glad to clear that up. :)
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